The Limited Times

The Yemeni Popular Front for the Support of the Resistance: (Deal of the Century) will not pass

2/1/2020, 5:04:07 PM

Sanaa-Sana The Yemeni Popular Front for the Support of the Resistance affirmed that


The Yemeni Popular Front for the Support of the Resistance affirmed that the "Deal of the Century" will not pass as long as the Palestinian people continue their legitimate national struggle, along with the children of the Arab and Islamic nation and the liberals of the world.

The Front indicated in a statement today that the goal of the "Deal of the Century" is the full normalization with the Zionist entity that the global arrogance and Zionist forces and their allies from the labor systems in the Arab world seek to enable this entity to dominate the capabilities of the Arab nation and plunder its wealth.

The statement stressed that the axis of resistance is able to drop the deal and thwart the normalization scheme.

And last Tuesday, US President Donald Trump announced, in a blatant violation of international resolutions, the provisions of the so-called "deal of the century" that allow the Zionist occupation entity to annex more occupied lands in preparation for the liquidation of the Palestinian issue, which sparked widespread Palestinian rejection.

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