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Towards a vote on the Security Council century deal: Israel in talks to prevent condemnation - Walla! news

2/1/2020, 7:07:07 PM

The Israel delegation to the UN is preparing for a Council meeting to be held in the presence of Abu Mazen on the Trump plan initiated by the PA, following the announcement by the PA chairman to sever ties with Washington and Washington. Besides...

Toward a vote on the Security Council century deal: Israel in talks to prevent condemnation

The Israel delegation to the UN is preparing for a Council meeting to be held in the presence of Abu Mazen on the Trump plan initiated by the PA, following the announcement by the PA chairman to sever ties with Washington and Washington. Apart from the US, Ambassador Danon is working to raise support among other countries: "We will work to recognize reality"

Toward a vote on the Security Council century deal: Israel in talks to prevent condemnation

Photo: Reuters

UN delegation discusses UN Security Council meeting with President Donald Trump's century-long deal expected to take place in PA in the presence of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas 10 days. Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, talks with ambassador American Kelly Kraft, and other council members in an attempt to thwart the Palestinian resolution proposal that would condemn Trump's outline and withhold support.

The Israeli delegation says that the Palestinian resolution will in any case be stymied by the US veto, noting that even under the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, the United States has pledged to veto all of Israel's condemnation decision and avoid imposing sanctions on it.

Danon is trying to enlist the support of other members of the Security Council and prevent them from expressing support for Palestinian operations. The Israeli ambassador to the UN said: "Abbas needs to understand that New York speeches will not lead to the resolution of the Jerusalem-Ramallah conflict. We will work for the international community to recognize the reality - Abu Mazen is the only peace defender around the council's table and does not intend to advance any agreement. "

In Israel, discussions are underway. UN Security Council (Photo: Reuters)

UN Security Council discussion on Venezuela, January 26, 2019 (Photo: Reuters)

Earlier today, PA chairman Abu Mazen attacked Trump's peace plan once again, during a meeting of Arab foreign ministers at the Arab League conference in Cairo. Abu Mazen, like the Arab League, rejected the peace plan and said the PA was severing all ties With the United States and Israel, including those pertaining to security.

In an unusual statement, the PA chairman said that Israel is not a Jewish state. "I know this is not a Jewish state and nothing. It has a million and 900,000 Arabs, two million or a million and a half Christians and Muslims, and even among the Plushmura, Ethiopia, the rate of Jews is very small, "he said." You are all six million. "

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"We will work for the community to recognize reality." Ambassador Danny Danon at UN (Photo: Israel Mission to UN)

Ambassador Danny Danon, 23.07.2019 (Photo: Israeli delegation to UN, official website)

In response, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted that "apparently Abbas has not yet heard about the Israeli tribes - Ethiopian immigrants and the Commonwealth of nations. Our brothers and sisters, our flesh, Jews from the stomach and birth who have been in exile for generations on their return to Zion and fulfill their dream."

Blue and White Chairman Benny Gantz attacked the PA chairman for his conduct and remarks on the Ethiopian and Russian sector community. "Abbas never misses an opportunity for refusal. It is time to start working for future generations and peace instead of getting stuck in the past and preventing the entire region from a future of hope," said Gantz. "The ignorance and contempt for our immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia who are integral to the Jewish people - shameful. That's not how peace is built. "

Former White House officials against century deal: "Damage US"

Thirty former senior national security officials at the Obama, Bush and Clinton White House issued a letter openly criticizing the peace plan over the weekend, saying it was hurting the United States' interests, giving Israel a "green light" to annex and could make Israel a two-state state. National.

The letter states that the plan runs counter to the principles that have led American policy for decades, and warns that "abandoning these principles will have lasting and detrimental effects on Washington's interests, Israel's security, Palestinians' aspirations and stability of a key Arab partner - Jordan."

It also states that the timing for revealing the plan is intended to bolster President Trump's internal political standing "and intervene in the Israeli elections to help Netanyahu's reelection." The letter is signed, among others, former US ambassadors in Israel Dan Shapiro, Dan Kurtzer, and Martin Indick, Obama's National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and Obama Obama's senior officials: Ben Rhodes, Philip Gordon, Wendy Sherman and Rob Mali.