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United Kingdom: fireworks, champagne, hugs… the joy of the “Brexiters” in 10 images

2/1/2020, 2:43:13 PM

Meeting in London and elsewhere in the country, supporters of Brexit exulted on January 31, celebrating the long-awaited exit from the Union.

After months of negotiations, delays and sidelining, it is done: the United Kingdom has left the European Union. If Brexit is painfully experienced by many Britons, others were impatiently awaiting this exit. On the evening of January 31, it was therefore quite logical that the “Brexiters” celebrated the start of a new era which they wished for.

A rally had thus been organized in front of the British Parliament by the fierce europhobic Nigel Farage. If he loses his seat as an MEP with Brexit, his dream of leaving the European Union took shape last night. "We did it" and "democracy has won", he launched before a conquered crowd.

Gathered around the Palace of Westminster, the Brexiters chanted the countdown to the 30 seconds preceding 23 hours, the official moment of the exit from the EU, letting burst their joy by applauding, dropping balloons in the sky and kissing . They sang the British anthem, "God Save the Queen", whose words paraded on a giant screen, before a firework exploded. A festive atmosphere, far from the excesses of the day, where the lights had been set on European flags.

As for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he celebrated the event at Downing Street, with sparkling English and canapes. From London to Dover, via Edinburgh, discover ten strong images of this farewell evening.

1. A crowd of “Brexiters” gathered in front of the British Parliament to celebrate the exit from the EU

REUTERS / Simon Dawson

2. At Woolston Social Club in Warrington, in the north-west of England, supporters of Brexit exult

AFP / Oli Scarff

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3. A countdown has been projected on the facade of 10 Downing Street, residence of Boris Johnson, adorned with the colors of the British flag

REUTERS / Toby Melville

4. Wild europhobic, Nigel Farage can smile: he won his bet

AFP / Daniel Leal-Olivas

5. On the cliffs of Dover, the Sky News channel screened "goodbyes "

AFP / Tim P. Whitby

6. In London, Brexit supporters climb the statue of Winston Churchill

REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

7. A man toast with Brexit behind one of his cantors, former MEP Nigel Farage

REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

8. Man tramples European Union flag covered in London mud

REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

9. In Edinburgh too, the pro-Brexit were out

AFP / Andy Buchanan

10. A man waves a gigantic British flag after the country has spent its last day in the European Union

REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

VIDEO. Brexit: thousands of Englishmen celebrate their departure from Europe