The Limited Times

02-02-2020: the secrets of the only capicúa day of the year

2/2/2020, 8:43:08 PM

From numerical logic to superstition, what is said about this day.

02/02/2020 - 15:45

  • Clarí
  • international

From front to back and back to front: it reads exactly the same in both directions. Today, 02/02/2020, is the only capicúa day of this year. In addition, this first Sunday of February is the 33rd day of the year and exactly 333 are missing to end this 2020.

This peculiarity is not frequent. The last day capicúa was on 02/21/2012 and the next will be on 02/12/2021 . And a fact that impacts: in this millennium there will be only 55 days like today.

For logic lovers it is a challenge. However, for others, it is a journey that represents much more than a numbers game; It is a fundamental day in the mystical calendar .

Good energy: times to make

Today an Energy Portal opens, that is, it is a moment of strong union of the energies available in the universe. "On days like today it connects better with the heart, with what we feel and with what comes to our lives. They are flows of light that are activated on certain days of the year, they are entrances to the Earth of energy for evolution" , explains Nadir Otermin Hamed, Holistic Master and numerologist.

"On 02/02/2020 being a Master Number and moving energies, it also influences us and the environment," explains the expert. "This occurs every 1010 years and comes to transform our relationships in the month of effectiveness par excellence and empowered by the crescent moon in the sign of Taurus . "

This Moon , according to the astrologers, has a lot of influence on the small details and stimulates the strong care of the own, both in the emotional and the material. although the focus is usually on caring for the economy. "In this sense, the decisions taken and the actions taken will bring very good results," says Hamed.

The numbers say ...

As symbols, numbers vibrate in a frequency, give information and have a distinctive energy.

In this case, the 2 represents love , union and sharing . It is a figure that is validated with the receptive, the feminine aspect and the balance. Being repeated 4 times, it reinforces its intensity and directs the action towards everything that is undertaken and initiated together.

The 0 , on the other hand, is a number of cycles, beginning and creative energy, which reinforces this idea that today begins a time that is conducive to start something and renew .