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MK Shaked: "The Important Part of the Trump - Sovereignty Program" | Israel Today

2/2/2020, 11:19:08 PM

Ayelet Shaked was hosted by the Israel Today election campaign and i24NEWS • "Fear that payment for the program will exclude us" Political-Political

Ayelet Shaked on her right hosted the joint election campaign of "Israel Today" and i24NEWS • She admitted that her party is concerned by a unity government: "Fear that the payment for the peace plan will set us off because we are against a Palestinian state"

"Applying Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria is the most important stage in President Donald Trump's peace program, and must be focused on," said Knesset Member Ayelet Shaked (right), who was hosted last night in the current joint program of "Israel Today "And i24NEWS channel.

Courtesy of i24NEWS

Shaked explained to moderators Jeff Smith and Ariel Kahana that, in her opinion, the reason for the various messages coming from the White House regarding the timing in which Israel could apply Israeli law is unclear. "I don't know what happened. I know that when I spoke to the administration, I was told that Israel could immediately annex and apply the law. I think we are in a historical period," MK Shaked noted.

Despite the enthusiasm, which largely represents that of the right, Shaked admits that Trump's plan "also has a big risk. Depending on the first step. If it is to apply Israeli law in the settlements and the Jordan Valley, then of course, a Palestinian state will not arise. If we do not do this, and only enter into negotiations, this is a big risk, we will be absolutely opposed to the establishment of a Palestinian state. We oppose a state at the heart of Israel, it will be a terror state, Jerusalem Kfar Saba, the airport will be under attack. There was an experiment in Gaza (evacuation of Gush Katif, IA), and no mistake was made. "

She said the focus should first be on the application of Israeli law to the territories allocated to Israel under the peace plan. "According to the plan, the law should apply to 50% of C areas, which are 30% of Judea and Samaria. This should be the first step. The next step will apply to all C areas in four years."

As for the possibility of a unity government after the March elections, Shaked expressed concern. "This is something we are concerned about. We are concerned that the payment for the peace plan is that Netanyahu and Gantz have been sitting together without right, because they know we are against a Palestinian state."
She added that there is no scenario in which the right will sit with Gantz in a unity government, even if it will result in continued political paralysis in Israel. "But if the public votes and the Likud and we reach a high percentage, and if Jewish itself does not run and do not waste 40,000 votes, the right can form a government."

Regarding Netanyahu's legal situation, she added that Israeli law allows him to serve as long as there is no final judgment in his case. Shaked has confirmed that she wants to get the justice case again.