The Limited Times

Super Bowl 2020: Nick Bosa, the rookie feeling that destroyed his team icon and worships Trump

2/2/2020, 7:53:05 PM

The San Francisco 49ers defensive end was one of the figures in the season. In his youth he publicly insulted Colin Kaepernick, the team's emblem, for his fight against racism.

Nicole Bianchi

01/22/2020 - 16:46

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Nick Bosa is one of the main weapons that the San Francisco 49ers have to face the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl LIV that will be played next February 2 at the Sun Life Stadium in Miami.

Although Bosa is in his first year in the league, he has done a spectacular job as a defensive wing so it has become a sensation in the bay area. But it was not always like this. At some point he came to be seen as a villain for his comments against Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback of the 49ers, who knelt during the anthem of the United States as a method of protest against racist police violence To the African-American community.

On August 31, 2016, when he was just a teenager, Bosa made a post on his personal Twitter account referring to what at that time was the figure of the 49ers as a "clown."

Over the years, the player was growing in the Ohio State University program and became a level prospect to reach the NFL, to the point that in the 2019 draft it was the second global selection, coincidentally by the San Francisco 49ers, team in which Colin Kaepernick was a figure and had reached the Super Bowl in 2013.


Before the draft was carried out, many specialists foresaw that the defensive wing was going to lose value due to their behavior on social networks and their political beliefs, since they also made publications in different occasions in support of Donald Trump, as well as gave them likes 'on instagram to racist and homophobic content.

As expected, the Bosa agent asked him to remove all such comments from his networks and give a public apology for his actions.

"When I was a child that thought came to my head and 'boom', I simply decided to tweet it. Bad decision. I respect what you have done. If you empower someone, then you are doing something good. I apologize for that," he said in relation to Kaepernick and his racial struggle.

Colin Kaepernick (center), kneeling during the US anthem (Photo: EFE)

He also explained that at that time he was not referring directly to Colin's position but to what he called "something specific that came to mind."

Nick never hid that he shared ideologies with the current president of the United States, and Trump himself sent him a message via Twitter when he was selected to play in the NFL.

"Congratulations to Nick Bosa for being chosen number two in the NFL Draft. You will be a great player in the next few years, perhaps one of the best. Great talent! San Francisco will hug you, but most importantly, always stay true yourself, "the head of state wrote.

Fortunately for the 22-year-old, his performance made this controversy in the background as he has become an expert in capturing the quarterback of the opposing team. He already has 3 demolitions in these playoffs to be the first rookie to get it since 2011 when JJ Watt and Brooks Reach of the Houston Texans got it.

Nick Bosa of the San Francisco 49ers celebrates the victory against the Packers. (Photo: AFP)

Bosa's numbers this season led him to win the Rookie of the Year and Defensive Rookie of the Year awards, so many specialists point out that much of the 49ers' chance to win the Super Bowl goes through defensive work. What can I do against Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback.

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