The Limited Times

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Mong Kok now masks specialty store 50 domestic goods $ 198 stores said the conscience price

2/3/2020, 11:37:31 AM

Masks have been snapped up for epidemic prevention in the city. A jeep shop on Nong Lu Street in Mong Kok has recently been rented for use as a "specialty mask store". However, the packaging of the products is simple and expensive, and some netizens question the sale of inferior or second-hand goods. The reporter of "Hong Kong 01" visited the shop in person and found that the masks sold came from multiple places, including China, Nepal and Thailand. Most of them were repackaged in transparent plastic bags. The price ranged from 198 to 298 yuan, and a large number of onlookers Someone paid for it. A local couple purchased a pack of Chinese-made masks and found that the edges of the masks were black, and the clerk exchanged them. The person in charge claimed that "the goods are genuine and at a reasonable price," and emphasized that they are by no means second-hand goods. If there is a problem, they can be replaced. They also said that "the customs will just sell fake goods and turn them around!"


Written by: Yang Wanting, Lin Zhenhua

2020-02-03 19:31

Last updated: 2020-02-03 19:31

Masks have been snapped up for epidemic prevention in the city. A jeep shop on Nong Lu Street in Mong Kok has recently been rented for use as a "specialty mask store". However, the packaging of the products is simple and expensive, and some netizens question the sale of inferior or second-hand goods.

The reporter of "Hong Kong 01" visited the shop in person and found that the masks sold came from multiple places, including China, Nepal and Thailand. Most of them were repackaged in transparent plastic bags. The price ranged from 198 to 298 yuan, and a large number of onlookers Someone paid for it. A local couple purchased a pack of Chinese-made masks and found that the edges of the masks were black, and the clerk exchanged them. The person in charge claimed that "the goods are genuine and at a reasonable price," and emphasized that they are by no means second-hand goods. If there is a problem, they can be replaced. They also said that "the customs will just sell fake goods and turn them around!"

"Mask Shops" appeared in Nelson, Mong Kok. (Photo by Lin Zhenhua)

Two pictures were circulated online this (2nd) afternoon, suggesting that someone rented a mask sold exclusively in a vacant shop in Mong Kok, but the mask packaging was rough, and many people questioned it was second-hand goods. One of the photos shows that a bag of 50 Thai masks reported to be "air transported to Hong Kong" cost 250 yuan.

The reporter found the shop on Nelson Street. The former tenant was a pharmacy. I believe it was rented as a "masks store." There was no decoration in the store, only a box of masks, and goods receipts were posted everywhere. Most of the masks sold in the store are packaged in transparent plastic bags of 50 pieces each, with different prices, but there is no product description in the plastic bags. The reporter saw at the venue that online transmission of 50 Thai masks costing 250 yuan per pack has risen to 298 yuan per pack; Chinese-made masks cost 198 yuan per pack; mudpoor ​​masks are packed in cartons at 250 yuan per box.

The clerk claimed that the masks were produced in Thailand, Nepal, and China. I saw a lot of people inside and outside the store to see and some paid for the masks. A couple bought a pack of 50 Chinese masks, opened them for inspection on the spot, and was surprised to see that the masks were darkened and asked the store to replace them. The person in charge said, "I'm happy to replace it if there is a problem," and replaced them with another pack of masks.

Some people bought masks made in China and found obvious stains. (Photo by Lin Zhenhua)

When netizens questioned that the store might sell "used goods" or "counterfeit goods," the person in charge denied the allegations, saying that this was the case when the mask packaging arrived, and there was no repacking. "The source of supply is not controlled, I control it." He emphasized that the goods were well-documented and described as "expensive to buy expensive to sell", and even said that the price was lower than other pharmacies and "conscience price". "I opened the door to do business and wanted to buy and sell. , I'll sell the fakes and turn around the customs! ". He cut the hood on the spot, proving that there are three layers.

The reporter inspected other pharmacies in the area. Masks cost about 350 yuan per box, and all were packed in cartons. No masks packed in plastic bags were sold.




Customs stepped up inspection of surgical masks on the market

The Customs and Excise Department recently launched an operation called "Guardian" to conduct a comprehensive inspection of all districts in Hong Kong and review surgical masks sold in the market. To ensure that surgical masks sold in the market are covered by false source claims, do not meet consumer product safety standards, and counterfeit trademarks. Surgical mask products comply with the Trade Descriptions Regulations and the Consumer Product Safety Regulations. In addition to the trial purchase of surgical masks for safety testing, the brand owner has also been contacted to help determine the authenticity of the brand and the authenticity of the source. The action will continue.

According to the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, any person who supplies false trade descriptions in the course of doing business or business, or who possesses goods to which false trade descriptions have been applied for sale, or sells or possesses counterfeit goods for sale , It is an offence and, upon conviction, can be fined up to 500,000 yuan and imprisoned for five years.

Under the Consumer Product Safety Ordinance, it is an offence for anyone to import, manufacture or supply consumer products that fail to meet general safety requirements. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $ 100,000 and one year's imprisonment on convictions for the first time, and a maximum fine of $ 500,000 and two years' imprisonment on subsequent convictions.

Customs reminds merchants not to sell items with false origin instructions, counterfeit trademarks, or unsafe consumer products. The public should also patronize reputable merchants.

Wuhan pneumonia mask

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