The Limited Times

A young woman is in serious condition with 50% of her body burned: her boyfriend is arrested

2/3/2020, 10:04:08 PM

The victim was rescued by neighbors who heard the requests for help. The man refused to testify.

02/03/2020 - 18:55

  • Clarí
  • Society

A 24-year-old woman is in serious condition with 50 percent of her body burned and for the fact they arrested her current partner, who refused to testify.

The incident occurred in the town of Almirante Brown, in the Barrio Lindo area , when Yanina Pérez was with her partner, of the same age, and began asking the neighbors for help from the patio of his house.

Before the request for help, the neighbors entered the address that Pérez shared with his partner, whom they tried to lynch as the person responsible for the attack.

Given this situation, the victim herself managed to say that her boyfriend "did not want to burn her," said a spokesperson with access to the cause, which was in charge of prosecutor Marcela Juan, of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 16 of Lomas de zamora.

In turn, the experts kidnapped fuel and lighters in the victim's home.

On the other hand, the woman remained in serious condition this afternoon in the Santamarina Hospital of Monte Grande and once stabilized they will request her transfer to the Burned Institute in the Federal Capital.

Meanwhile, the couple of the victim was apprehended and this afternoon he refused to testify after being investigated by the prosecutor, who after the diligence requested the formal detention of the accused to the judge of Guarantees of Lomas de Zamora, Gabriel Vitale.

According to sources, the man was charged with the crime of attempted "aggravated homicide by the link" for having been perpetrated by a man towards a woman mediating gender violence.

Source: Télam