The Limited Times

Angela Merkel to Alberto Fernández, on debt: "It is important that we talk about how we can help them from Europe"

2/3/2020, 7:31:14 PM

Earlier he visited the Volkswagen plant and held a meeting with businessmen.

Guido Carelli Lynch

02/03/2020 - 16:11

  • Clarí
  • Politics

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a joint statement with Alberto Fernández , before the meeting they held on Monday in Berlin, which means a key appointment for debt restructuring.

At that conference, Merkel said: "We know that Argentina is not in an easy economic situation, and that is why it is important that we talk about our economic relations as well and think about how from Germany, from Europe, we can support and help them."

As for the debt - the strong theme of the meeting - the chancellor also advanced: "Of course we also hold meetings with the International Monetary Fund and of course we will talk about that too."

For his part, Alberto Fernández said that Germany is a model that from Argentina "we look very closely, because we know that it has been the engine of the great unity in the European Union and we have a very close link with all of Europe."

The German head of government received him at the headquarters of the Federal Chancellery and, after an extended meeting, will hold a working dinner with the Argentine delegation, which will also be added by the Minister of Economy Martín Guzmán.

During the meeting, Guzmán is estimated to carry information linked to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) , where Germany and France maintain a key role, and the Paris Club.

Meanwhile, from the German Foreign Ministry indicated that during the meeting they will deal with issues related to bilateral political and economic relations, current developments in the region and international cooperation.

The President and the Chancellor are expected to provide a joint statement to the press . In addition, questions could be admitted.

However, for the Germans themselves it is a mystery what will be the position of Merkel, who was adamant about Greece's debt and the Italian budget numbers.

In addition to the debt and political support that the meeting will mean, the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur will be part of the talks.

The chancellor, who publicly supported the administration of Mauricio Macri, was one of the main drivers of the agreement. However, the President asked to review the "fine print" of the agreement.

Felipe Solá will talk about it with the German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, who is also in charge of the Foreign Trade Portfolio.

The foreign minister supported Mauricio Macri for a good part of the management of the PRO leader and welcomed the IMF's support to Argentina. "From the German point of view, Argentina launched important reforms for the economy," Merkel said only five months ago, when the crisis had already shattered the electoral chances of the then president.

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