The Limited Times

Answer: "The gas agreements with Jordan and Egypt are long term and stable" Israel today

2/3/2020, 9:37:37 PM

Economics and Consumerism

At a unique investor conference, incoming Fuel Group CEO Idan Wells presented the vision of the future group • "Foundations were laid for positioning the group as a leading international player in energy"

  • Leviathan gas rig // Photo: Mark Israel Salem

Over the past year, Delek Group's share has lost about 33% of its value, similar to Drill's share. Even over a longer three-year stance, Delek Group posted a 42% negative return and in recent days of course the general stock market trend has not had a positive effect on the stock.

Yesterday's Investor Group, attended by Yitzhak Tshuva, incoming CEO Idan Wells, outgoing CEO Asi Bartfeld, CEO of Delek Drilling Yossi Abu and Group executives, presented a vision for the next decade. The conference was attended by some of the largest investors, analysts, houses Investments, funds and private took place the morning after the publications in Egypt that blew the gas pipeline from Israel to Egypt by EMG.

The conference opened unequivocally by invoking this rumor, following the denial of publication by the Ministry of Energy last night, as published in Israel Today. Answer says that fuel is going to be an important international player in the energy sector. He said the natural gas export agreements from Israel to Jordan and Egypt are long-term and stable. Yossi Abu also commented by saying, "There are LNG importers in Egypt who have a vested interest in producing Pike News and of course the Muslim Brotherhood and other stakeholders. We know for sure that there was no harm to our pipeline or any of our customers. It's not that the risk went unnoticed, but We built the deal in a way that takes the risks into account.

"There is a very significant security system there, based on human power, but of course I cannot elaborate. Recall that in 2011 when this LNG pipeline was blown, it was not the reason for the supply shutdown, the reason was a shortage of natural gas. The average repair of such pipes is nine days, This is no reason to stop streaming, even if something happens, we have a replacement piping system and there will be no delays of more than a week if this happens anyway. We also have insurance coverage for such cases, including business disruptions in the sale. Blind to risks. "

"A series of moves"

The age of Wells (43) who recently took up his position as CEO of the Group and has been involved in various management positions for 15 years, has taken the stage and presented the group's path in recent years and the horizon for years to come, with an eloquent and impressive lecture.

The Wells era (right) and Isaac Teshuva // Photo: Joshua Joseph

He detailed the company's vision for the next decade: "If in the previous decade we have made Israel a major regional player, the next decade will underpin the position of the Delek Group as a leading international energy company."

Wells said, "We have completed a series of leading strategic moves - the sale of Phoenix at NIS 1.57 billion, completion of the sale of vehicle fuel at NIS 404 million, and completion of the acquisition of Chevron assets by Ithaca. These are assets capable of producing strong cash flow and EBITD of 900 million. Up to $ 1 billion. In addition, we started the production of gas from Leviathan and the flow of gas to Jordan and Egypt. These are complex transactions that have generated a strong flow for a fuel group, and we have proven that we can meet our goals, "said Wells.