The Limited Times

China resident in Israel: "There is a feeling we will win" Israel today

2/3/2020, 10:28:08 PM

In the country

Betty Kashi, a doctoral student in social work at Bar-Ilan University, is on China's homeland vacation • "There is no panic here, everyone is united in an effort to overcome the virus"

The outbreak of the Corona virus in China caught Betty Kashi, a doctoral student in social work at Bar-Ilan University, on a visit to China on the occasion of the spring celebrations. Betty lives in the city of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province, which is a three-hour drive from Hubei Province where the corona virus outbreak is the center.

Despite reports from the state, Betty notes that "the public is very calm, which means people are more at home wearing multi-faceted masks, but there is no panic. Eliminate public transport traffic but beyond that there is food, people continue as usual. Understand that this is a huge state, so illness in one province does not directly cause panic throughout the state. In any case, people obey instructions. I do not feel hysteria or panic but rather enlistment. "

Betty says, "So far in my city 18 patients have been diagnosed and in each province, which is relatively small compared to other provinces in the country. We have a feeling we will win the disease because everyone is doing what they can. The Chinese are very united and proud of their nationalism and now we are all united in an effort to overcome "I believe that in the immediate term, the increase in the number of patients and the progression of the virus will continue, but all the actions taken will curb the disease. I am very optimistic," she concluded.

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