The Limited Times

Coronavirus: the wearing of masks is becoming commonplace in France

2/3/2020, 8:34:20 PM

The shortages in pharmacies bear witness to this: more and more Parisians and foreigners are adopting the surgical mask.

In the absence of a vaccine, some believe they have found a solution against the coronavirus: the wearing of a surgical mask in public space. They have multiplied on the faces of foreign tourists, or worried French people. More psychological than medical protection for its followers.

Houssem and his friend Chayma ride their electric scooters in the rain last Sunday in Paris in front of the Pont d'Iéna (VIIe), surgical masks in front of the mouth. Since the beginning of the epidemic, they no longer go out without this little protection. "We put it especially when we go where there are people, in tourist places", explains Houssem, Parisian of 19 years. "It was I who ordered them and gave them to him," exclaims Chayma. "Even if I know that they are not the best, we feel protected," says the young woman of 20 years.

The health authorities have specified what to do with the masks. In a note Sunday on “the questions and answers facing the coronavirus”, Public Health France recalls that “the wearing of the surgical mask is recommended for sick people who have symptoms, that is to say when they cough or sneeze. This avoids spreading the disease through the postilions. It is for this reason that China, very affected by the disease, launched on Monday a "call for help" to other nations to be sent masks, because it faces a shortage.

On the other hand, for healthy people, its usefulness has not been demonstrated. "The wearing of this type of mask by the non-sick population in order to avoid catching the disease is not part of the recommended barrier measures and its effectiveness has not been demonstrated," adds Santé publique France.

"I feel reassured"

This did not prevent Chayma from ordering new masks. She will trade those in blue paper for the famous "FFP2". After inquiring on the Internet, she bought these "respiratory protection" masks equipped with a device for filtering dust and pathogens. The only ones able to avoid contamination between humans. “It's not paranoid, but we don't take risks like that. Until the epidemic is over, we will put them out, ”they assume.

When he learned that the virus had arrived in France, Kamil from the Czech Republic preferred to take the lead. While visiting the Trocadéro, he went to buy a mask at the pharmacy. If he was lucky enough to find them, in recent weeks, they have become rare products. Their prices are variable, but tend to increase with the shortage. Basic surgical masks cost around 30 cents per unit, but it costs 14 euros for an FFP2 mask. “I often get sick, so I feel reassured when I wear this protection. I tell myself that I can also protect myself against other viruses, ”confides this tourist in stammering English.