The Limited Times

Express kidnapping in Moreno: the victim was a 17-year-old teenager and released after paying $ 2,000

2/3/2020, 9:07:14 PM

He was intercepted when he arrived at his house in the closed neighborhood El Casco.

02/03/2020 - 17:15

  • Clarí
  • Police

He is 17 years old and returned home from a closed neighborhood of Moreno when a group of criminals crossed his car and took him kidnapped. The nightmare did not last more than two hours: he was released after his family paid a ransom of two thousand dollars .

The case was known this Monday but it happened the morning of Sunday February 2 when the teenager returned to his home in the closed neighborhood El Casco , located in Maipú between Justo Daract and Entre Ríos, on board his car and was intercepted by another car in that there were at least four criminals.

The thieves stole his cell phone and forced him into the car he was moving in. With the boy's phone, the kidnappers communicated with family members and demanded a sum of money to release him.

In principle, the kidnappers demanded about 400 thousand pesos of rescue but finally it was agreed in two thousand dollars, that is to say, between 126 thousand and 164 thousand pesos - according to the type of change that is considered.

The money was delivered at the corner of Ruta 23 and Julián Aguirre, very close to the Las Catonas de Moreno housing complex and the teenager was released safe and sound .

The family made the complaint at the Police Station 1 ° of Moreno and the cause was in charge of the Federal Prosecutor's Office No. 1 of Morón, in charge of Santiago Marquevich, who is also the head of the Fiscal Unit Specialized in Extortive Kidnappings (Ufese) .

The teenager's car appeared then on fire and police arrested two suspects who were near the car.

"Everything started out like a theft to volley and then it ended up being an express kidnapping, they did not do previous intelligence," a spokesman in charge of the investigation told the Telam agency.

The researchers analyzed Monday the security cameras in the area with the aim of identifying the rest of the band.

Source: Télam