The Limited Times

This pathogen is far more dangerous than the corona virus

2/3/2020, 4:55:08 PM

Worldwide, new coronavirus infections are worrying citizens. There is another pathogen that currently means much greater danger.

Worldwide, new coronavirus infections are worrying citizens. There is another pathogen that currently means much greater danger.

More than 17,000 people worldwide are currently being treated for a coronavirus infection. More than 350 deaths have been reported to date (as of February 3, 2020). Although the Federal Government and above all Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn are trying to calm the citizens down, concern is growing. According to current knowledge, only five people are affected in Germany whose state of health is stable, but whether and how the coronavirus can spread has not been conclusively clarified.

Influenza virus kills dozens of people every year

Compared to another virus, which causes dozens of deaths every year, the corona pathogen is, according to current knowledge, to be classified as less dangerous. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) rates the influenza virus as far more threatening . 42 deaths have occurred since October 2019.

"At the moment we actually only see very few cases of corona viruses outside of China (...)", the portal rbb24 spokeswoman for the Robert Koch Institute Susanne Glasmacher quotes: "But if we see that we are now over 13,000 with the current flu wave have up to 14,000 influenza diseases confirmed by laboratory diagnostics (...), that's a completely different number ". In the opinion of the Robert Koch Institute as the federal authority for infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases, influenza is therefore a very specific danger, especially for certain risk groups.

Groups for which influenza viruses can be particularly dangerous include:

  • older people from 60 years
  • chronically ill
  • pregnant woman
  • Medical and nursing staff

Also Read : Flu Diet: Can These Foods Kill Flu Viruses ?

In the video: Influenza virus is far more deadly than corona virus

"We have the flu wave every year"

The worst flu wave in 30 years was around two years ago: in 2017/2018, around 25,100 people in Germany were killed by a virus flu . This is the highest number of deaths in the past 30 years, as the Ärzteblatt Lothar Wieler, President of the RKI, quotes. The flu wave 2018/2019 was much milder. Here, there were 3.8 million visits to the doctor due to a virus flu, in 2017/18, however, twice as many visited a doctor for this reason.

The RKI explains the primary public interest in coronavirus infections as follows: "Psychology says that novel risks are weighted higher than what is known. We have the flu wave every year, but in very different forms, " said the press spokeswoman glassmakers.

More on the subject : Coronavirus and flu in comparison: This is how the two viral diseases differ .

Flu shot as the most important protective measure against influenza

According to the RKI, the best protective measure against the virus group is a flu vaccination, which is especially recommended for high-risk groups such as the elderly and medical personnel. " There is no other vaccine in Germany that can save more lives, " quotes RKI President Wieler.

You can also protect yourself against infection with influenza viruses by taking the following measures:

  • thorough, regular hand washing
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • cough or sneeze in the crook of the arm - not the palm of your hand

You can find out more about the virus group in the large influenza guide.

Sources : ; ;

Survey on the subject

Read more : This life-threatening virus can go around the world in a few hours.

Also read : Coronavirus in China: more deaths than ever in a day - Germany responds with extreme measures.


These viruses and bacteria make us sick

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