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How can you only work three hours a day and earn like a whole day? - Walla! Digital Gemara

2/4/2020, 12:13:09 PM

The "first followers" were staying in the synagogue for 9 hours a day, and yet, while they were left to work for a living, they would earn as if they worked a lot more, how is that possible?

How can you only work three hours a day and earn like a whole day?

The "first followers" were staying in the synagogue for 9 hours a day, and yet, while they were left to work for a living, they would earn as if they worked a lot more, how is that possible?

How can you only work three hours a day and earn like a whole day?

Photo & Edit: Walla! NEWS

In the Talmud, tractate greetings page heart, it says that "the first followers were Shohin one hour, and prayers one hour, and Khuzrin and Shohin one hour." This means they were staying in the synagogue one hour before the prayer, one hour praying and a third hour staying in the synagogue after the prayer. The Gemara is trying to figure out, if they spend nine hours a day in the synagogue, because three prayers a day, "Their Torah is preserved and their work done? - When do they study Torah and when do they work for a living?

And the answer is, according to the Talmud, that they have special help from God that what they learned in their youth is not forgotten even if they did not come back and change their studies again and even if they work for a living, little money, the followers would earn as much as if they worked long.

The devotees would pray in the synagogue for three hours. Illustration (Photo by Reuven Castro)

Prayers in a Synagogue Attempted by Amona, December 7, 2016 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Rabbi Haim David Kowalski, the Digital Gemara presenter, explained that the concept of "blessed work" is one that a person can work for three or four hours, but he will benefit from it as if he worked for at least ten hours or more. "When one devotes one hour before prayer, one hour to prayer and another hour afterwards, he elevates the soul to such a degree that it distills it to the extent that they are given a blessing from heaven to know which business to enter and from which to flee."

According to the rabbi, "The first devotees received a blessing so that in their short work, it would be maximum. The secret of abundance is not hours of work but quality of work, and quality of work is determined by how my goals and how I manage my time properly, both in prayer and in study. Bible".

The Torah is not forgotten by them. Studying Torah. Illustration (Photo: Yitzhak Lyush, in ultra-Orthodox rooms)

Haredi yeshiva (Photo: Yitzhak Lyosh, in ultra-Orthodox rooms)

The Digital Gemara is the first venture of its kind led by Rabbi Haim David Kowalski, founder and head of the Daily Page Lights organization, in which anyone can be part of the hundreds of thousands around the country and the world who regularly study one Gemara page daily by watching a short daily video clip. The Babylonian Talmud in its most popular version has 2,711 pages. Rabbi Kowalski's Digital Gemara is presented, and through it, you will meet every day at significant and fascinating points related to daily life, based on the daily study of the Gemara.

Rabbi Meir Shapiro conceived the idea of ​​regular daily study somewhere in 1923. Rabbi Shapiro had one major goal: to encourage all levels of the public to set times for Torah study and to create a common denominator among all learners, regardless of class, profession, or country of origin. Today, 96 years after the initiative launched, hundreds of thousands of Jews across the country and the world are studying together in a regular learning cycle that lasts seven and a half years. The last cycle of the daily page began a few days ago, joining thousands of people who have not shared it so far.

For the Digital Gemara website: Click here.

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