The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Putin against expensive masks

2/5/2020, 2:25:09 PM

Pharmacies that have raised the prices of antiviral drugs and disposable masks should have their licenses canceled. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the government's coronavirus meeting. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MOSCOW, FEBRUARY 5 - Pharmacies that have increased the prices of antiviral drugs and disposable masks should have their licenses canceled. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the coronavirus government meeting. "Their licenses have to be withdrawn, since they have decided to make money on the situation, all right," Putin said. "There are plenty of pharmacies, if two or three are closed there will be no negative consequences, at least they learn for the next time", he added. During the meeting it emerged that some pharmacies raised the prices for disposable masks to 70-100 rubles (1-1.50 euros) although before the new year they cost 1-1.5 rubles each. Interfax reports it.