The Limited Times

Wood Fellas Indoor Cup: decision is made in Sudden Death

2/5/2020, 8:59:06 AM

The final between FC Biberg and TuS Geretsried was decided only after sudden death. FC Biberg wins the tournament in the B-youth.

The final between FC Biberg and TuS Geretsried was decided only after sudden death. FC Biberg wins the tournament in the B-youth.

Gmund - The Wood Fellas Indoor Cup of the DJK Darching was again a complete success this year. Due to the closed Batusa hall, this year, however, was played in the junior high school gym in Gmund. But that didn't stop the tournament, the C and B juniors had a great and injury-free day. There were ten teams in each age group. Under the sovereign direction of referee Julius Zinke, there were sometimes spectacular games.

The first highlight in the morning was the final of the C-youth, in which the boys of FC Biberg and the later tournament winner TuS Geretsried faced each other. After it was 1-1 after eight minutes, a Sudden Death was introduced instead of a seven-meter shootout. One player had to leave the field every minute of extra time for each team. When only two field players and goalkeeper were left after a big fight, Nikolas Hornacek Geretsried redeemed with the much-celebrated winning goal. Hornacek also became top scorer in the end. The best goalkeeper of the tournament was Selim Flieger from FC Biberg. TSV Sauerlach won the small final against SF Gmund-Dürnbach.

The afternoon was similarly hot for the B juniors. Freddy Waizmann, coach of the second team at TuS Holzkirchen, experienced a highlight. In the game for fifth place, Holzkirchen I met Holzkirchen II. The highly motivated boys of the second guard prevailed 2-1 against the first. Waizmann's sons David and Benedikt stood in the gate. Host DJK Darching won in the small final in the seven-meter shootout against SV Bad Tölz. In the final, FC Biberg prevailed 1-0 against DFI Bad Aibling. Top scorer with ten goals was Stefan Hofinger from DJK Darching. Christian Steinlechner (DFI Bad Aibling) was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the tournament. mm