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Communityism: Macron wants to mark the occasion

2/6/2020, 9:40:16 PM

According to our information, the head of state received this Thursday at the Elysée mayors of all stripes, to discuss the plan he must soon deviate

Neither test balloon, nor precise calendar… Planned for the first half of February, the plan to fight against communitarianism is still pending. And for good reason, encompassing more fields than expected, he is still on the job. Even the appellation has not been stopped, the term "communitarianism" probably having to give way to that of "separatism". And yet the deadline is approaching. Because at the top of the state, we continue to hammer that it will be presented before the municipal elections of March 15, a final inter-ministerial meeting to help finalize the measures. Nothing specific on the horizon, but a certainty: behind the scenes, "it continues to spin", as a minister says.

Evidenced by the lunch which was held, according to our information, in all discretion, this Thursday at the Elysée. Seeming to want to seek inspiration from the source, Emmanuel Macron, who also consults with association or intellectual leaders, including sociologists, had invited a dozen mayors to discuss the issues of secularism and communitarianism. An appointment made at the last moment, which was also attended by Ministers Sébastien Lecornu (Local Authorities) and Christophe Castaner (Interior).

For almost three hours, elected officials on the left and on the right, from Evry (Essonne), Maubeuge (North), Clichy-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), Poissy (Yvelines), Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin ) or even, eminently symbolic, of Trèbes (Aude), gave themselves up to “an exercise of free reflection” dixit a participant. Proposals are put forward, in particular that of a secular charter, recalling the rules of reciprocity, rights and duties. An expression, used by Macron himself, comes up in the mouth of several participants: "Rediscovering the common. "

The plan not being finalized, the president does not deliver his conclusions to his guests. But his interventions give an idea of ​​their content. "He recalled that the Republic is one and indivisible," said one of his guests. It was agreed that one could not speak about this subject in terms of combat, war. It has to be with each other. "

Annoyed by "too weak" proposals

While three interdepartmental meetings have already been held under the aegis of Matignon in recent weeks, behind the scenes rustle with his dissatisfaction. Pushed by certain members of the government, including Christophe Castaner or the ex-close of Manuel Valls, Didier Guillaume, to seize powerfully of the subject, the head of the State "was even annoyed that the proposals which go back to him are too weak, "said a minister. "He thinks we are not there, that it does not necessarily meet his order. For now, it's very prudent, ”says an executive adviser. Another temper, preferring to evoke "his usual requirement". After the recent series of hiccups, the instruction is clear: the measures must be effective, but also legally and politically viable. Measures weighed on January 28 at a meeting gathering around him, the head of government Edouard Philippe, as well as the many ministers.

This point of stage had been essentially devoted to the organization of cults, which will ultimately be integrated - which was not initially planned - into the presidential plan on communitarianism. This is one of the points that remains pending, still on the job in Beauvau: Christophe Castaner works on the question of the funding of places of worship by foreign countries or the control of religious associations. And launches a new cycle of meetings with religious leaders. "It is only through an institutionalized dialogue with the CFCM (French Council for Muslim Worship) that this strategy of defending principles and the republican order will be coherent," said the Elysée.

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A guest of the lunch organized this Thursday saw a president "convinced that we must not wait any more, or miss". "He is fully aware that we must take up the subject, particularly in the context of municipal elections," observed another guest. He knows it: the right and the RN have a ready-made angle of attack.