The Limited Times

Crime in Villa Gesell: they determined which rugbier recorded a video with the attack on Fernando Báez Sosa

2/6/2020, 3:16:45 PM

In the register you hear someone who harangue: "hit him", "kill him".

Guillermo Villarreal

02/06/2020 - 11:34

  • Clarí
  • Society

As Clarín informed at the time, there is at least one video of the deadly attack against Fernando Báez Sosa filmed by the aggressors. In that digital record you can hear macabre arengas : "hit him", "kill him". Now, the expertise carried out by the Federal Police on the cell phones of rugby people accused of the crime determined that these images are housed in Lucas Pertossi's cell phone. This was confirmed to this newspaper by the representatives of the family of Báez Sosa.

The video is taken from the door of Le Brique - the bowling alley of Villa Gesell from which both the victim and the ten rugby players accused of the homicide had been expelled in the early morning of January 18 - and begins at the moment when Fernando is already on the sidewalk opposite , which he had crossed to buy ice cream.


The filming is cut immediately, which for the accusation would indicate the moment in which the owner of the telephone stops recording to add to the beating .

A new march for the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa, this time in the neighborhood of Caballito, in front of the school attended by the murdered boy. Photo: Federico Imas.

For the crime of Báez Sosa are imprisoned Máximo Thomsen (20), Ciro Pertossi (19), Juan Pedro Guarino (19), Luciano Pertossi (18), Ayrton Viollaz (20), Matías Benicelli (20), Alejo Milanesi (20) , Blas Cinalli (18), Enzo Comelli (19) and Lucas Pertossi (20).

Mar del Plata Correspondent.


News in development.

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