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Domestic violence: the terrible story of Yolande, thrown from the 4th floor by her companion in Corbeil-Essonnes

2/6/2020, 7:10:22 PM

Yolande, 52, testified before the Assize Court of Essonne. Even if her memory fails her, she is convinced that it is her

The question and answer game lasted more than three hours. A psychological test but also a physical one for Yolande. This 52-year-old woman returned to the Essonne Assize Court this Thursday on the circumstances of her fall from the 4th floor of her building in Corbeil-Essonnes on August 4, 2017. The verdict is expected this Friday evening.

Polytraumatized, the alleged victim of Pela, her ex-spouse prosecuted for attempted murder, had to testify seated at the stand. In the room, the couple's son, 14, and the three other daughters of Yolande have relived a tumultuous story step by step. That of the thirteen years that their mother spent alongside the man whom she accuses of having thrown her into the void after yet another "fight".

It was at the foot of this Corbeil-Essonnes building located on Boulevard John-Kennedy that Yolande was found very seriously injured. LP / EJ

"We often came to blows," she concedes in court. We fought everywhere. In a restaurant, in a club, in a hair salon. He was hitting. Me, I was only defending myself, ”she says of this“ fickle ”man, twelve years younger, and of whom she fell very quickly pregnant.

"I had a smashed skull, a broken hip, a liver hemorrhage"

“At first, he was very nice. It was a little doggie, ”she continues. Everything would have changed after the birth of their son. “He didn't feel concerned about the little one. This allowed him to obtain a residence permit. This is what he was looking for. If he stayed with me, it was because he had no other place to go, ”says this former cleaning lady and canteen leader, now disabled and victim of a poor memory after long weeks of coma.

“When I arrived at the hospital, in a coma, I was completely broken with fifteen traumas. I had a shattered skull, a broken hip, a liver hemorrhage ... I made three respiratory stops. At the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (Paris), they nicknamed me La resurrection , she says. Even when one does not believe in God, one ends up believing in these circumstances. "

It has many consequences. “I have an iron bar in my arm, right down to my fingers. I became very nervous. I'm afraid of everything. I can no longer bear crowds, noises. And I still have memory loss. Before, I was a physiognomist, now I find it hard to remember people's faces. I can no longer work. But what hurts me the most is for my children, all the work they have with psychologists… ”

“I had blocked the door to my room. I was afraid he would hurt me ”

This day of August 4, the exchanges of blows, become almost routine between the two protagonists, will turn to drama. "He finally had to leave my house. That day, he was supposed to come and pick up his things and leave, says Yolande. Except that he spent the night at home. He insulted me all night and I blocked my bedroom door with my bed. He was sleeping in the living room. I was afraid he would hurt me. "

The next day, the 50-year-old misses her scheduled driving lesson at the Corbeil-Essonnes station. When she returns home, her son's father is still there. “As soon as I opened the door, I received a huge slap. He had learned that I saw another man and was furious. For me, it was over between us for a long time and I was free. Especially since Pela, who had already had three other children from two other women during her relationship with Yolande, was at the time of the couple with another woman in her twenties who was pregnant with him. “We fought and I woke up in the hospital long after. These are my last memories, ”concludes Yolande.

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Pushed to the limits by defense lawyers, pointing to approximations in the dates and times given, Yolande faces. “My memory is playing tricks on me. I can't work or even drive anymore, ”she collapsed. On the possible presence of a third person in his apartment at the time of the events, and who could have helped the defenestration, the mother remains categorical. "There was no one else and I didn't fall by accident. I am not suicidal either. It was he who pushed me, insists Yolande. I expect this trial to recognize that it was he who hurt me. "

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