The Limited Times

Gb: 60 years Andrea and honor of the flag

2/6/2020, 2:37:28 PM

There are doubts about the traditional honor of the flag reserved for the highest ranking British royals on the occasion of their birthdays, two weeks after Prince Andrea's 60 years. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - LONDON, FEB 6 - Doubts about the traditional honor of the flag reserved for the most high-ranking British royals on the occasion of their birthdays, two weeks from Prince Andrea's 60 years. They are fueled by the involvement of Elizabeth II's eldest son in the dating scandal with the late billionaire and alleged American pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and the accusation addressed to him in first person for having profited in the past from one of the 'sexual slaves' -Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the first time when she was 17 years old - of the tycoon who committed suicide in prison.
Despite his departure from public commitments, the Duke of York, who will turn the 60th anniversary mark between two weeks, on February 19, continues to call himself innocent and occasionally appear alongside his queen mother. The flag issue was posed today by the Sun.