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In Maccabi Tel Aviv: "Our Most Important Victory of the Season" | Israel Today

2/6/2020, 7:52:10 AM

Yellows breathe wide after 77:80 on Himki despite injury, Wilkin is expected to qualify for match against Penerbahcha Israeli Basketball

Yellows breathe wide after 77:80 on elusive Despite blow injury, Wilbkin is expected to qualify for match against Penerbahcha • And: Bryant's Extras in Training, Sparopoulos' Special Stop Stop Program and Criticism of Sandy Cohen Citizenship

  • Abadia and Bryant are celebrating at their expense. The stars of the evening


    Alan Shaver

1. "This is our most important victory of the season," the Maccabi Tel Aviv team breathed a sigh of relief last Wednesday after the dramatic 77:80 on the Moscow heats.

Before the game, the Yellow Club feared Scottie Wilbkin's absence and negative momentum over the past two weeks. They knew that a loss to the Russian team could put them on Friday after the away match in Istanbul against Penrbhacha (Friday, 20:00) in the midst of a series of losses that may even jeopardize the quarterfinals that up until a few weeks ago seemed ever guaranteed.

2. Due to Wilbkin's absence, Aron Jackson's ongoing acclimation difficulties and the problem of offense to which Tyler Dorsey, who took the reins, was Eliza Bryant. Maccabi Tel Aviv says that since the weak game against Real Madrid, the Guard Forward has taken extra training in an attempt to compensate and return to his friends. The effort paid off with 21 points and some important procedures in the final minutes.

Nicolas Wojcic demonstrates emotions, yesterday at Yad Eliyahu // Photo: Alan Shiber

"I trust the work we do here and I trust the process I'm going through," said the exhausted Bryant at the finish. "Coach also trusts us and now we will have to continue the work on Friday."

Already in the evening the team will leave for Istanbul ahead of the match against Penerbabhce who has come into fitness lately. According to medical team estimates, Scottie Wilbkin should be fit for the game.

3. In another matter, the Yellows will try to speed up Sandy Cohen's citizenship process, which received a few minutes and showed sparks from his high athleticism and physical abilities. The club has been dealing with the issue in recent days and now it has been decided to act again with the understanding that this is the best reinforcement they can get for the Israeli roster in the back line.

Sandy Cohen (first from right). "Going to synagogue and not getting ID" // Photo: Alan Shiber

"His last name is Cohen, and I do not know why he is not Jewish, he goes to a synagogue and does not get an ID. I do not understand that," Janis Safropoulos criticized the relevant authorities.

Following the injury of Yuval Sussman, the Yellows' professional team prepared a special program to stop the Khimki star Alexei Shabed when the goal was to get tired by switching players on it. Eliza Bryant opened, Sandy Cohen went on and even Angelo Cloyaro took part in the effort. "At first he scored a very high percentage," Maccabi Tel Aviv explained, "but when a lot of players are replaced, he gets tired." Sparopoulos added: "Sandy Cohen did a great job on a sled and was important to victory. He has a great future ahead of him."

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