The Limited Times

Joint initiative: Olmert and Abu Mazen against the century deal | Israel today

2/6/2020, 8:22:33 PM


PA chairman and former prime minister expected to meet in New York next week, expressing opposition to initiative • Terrorist organizations welcome wave of attacks

  • Last met in 2018. Olmert and Abu Mazen // Photo: Moshe Milner - GPO

They rejected the Centennial Plan even before its publication, but Ramallah continues to claim that they are interested in peace. Abu Mazen, a senior official, told Israel Today on Thursday that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's staff, based in New York, offered to hold the joint press conference of the two in New York as early as next week. In which they are expected to express their position against the century deal. "

The Abu Mazen bureau said that it has not yet been decided whether to appeal to Olmert and his people. It should be noted that the last time a joint meeting with Olmert and Abbas was in Paris about a year and a half ago.

Meanwhile, throughout the West, all the various factions in the West Bank and Gaza have called for escalation of the territory and this evening joined the Islamic Jihad's military wing - al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza, also called for terrorist attacks: "We welcome the work of jihad and resistance In Jerusalem and the West Bank, "Abu Hamza said, adding," We salute the pure martyrs who resisted the disrespect and conveyed the message to the enemy in a language he understands. Our message to our people is to strike them with an iron hand, we are with you all. "

He said, "The heroic operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem are a confirmation through the blood and arm that we oppose the Centennial Plan and the Judaism of the Holy Sites." He called for an escalation in the Occupied Territories: "We urge all our people to carry weapons and to attack the Israeli checkpoints and the settlers. You must go the way of a struggle for liberation."

In his remarks, Abu Hamza joined the other terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria, including Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem, senior members of the Popular Front and even Fatah officials, who have refrained from criticizing recent attacks.

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