The Limited Times

Katharina Vogl and her long jump coup in the Werner-von-Linde-Halle

2/6/2020, 10:55:27 AM

Katharina Vogl made a coup: At the Bavarian Indoor Championships, she won silver in the long jump - with a distance that she had never jumped outdoors.

Katharina Vogl made a coup: At the Bavarian Indoor Championships, she won silver in the long jump - with a distance that she had never jumped outdoors.

Munich - Diligence pays off after all. This winter Katharina Vogl and coach Sabine Osenberg drove regularly (mostly on Fridays) to the Werner-von-Linde-Halle in Munich. At the local athletics base, the 20-year-old Hohenpeißenberger refined her sprint and long jump technique. What looks so easy for the layperson - just run and jump - is actually complex movements. The trips to Munich "are already an effort," says Vogl. "But it brings a lot." That was now evident at the Bavarian indoor championship. Vogl shone in the Werner-von-Linde-Halle with two personal bests (also club records) and a silver medal. And she managed all of this in the exam stress: Vogl is currently completing her training as a tax specialist.

Katharina Vogl: record jump in the fourth attempt

Vogl picked up the precious metal on the second day of the women's long jump competitions. In her best attempt, it was the fourth jump, the athlete of TSV Peißenberg landed at 5.72 meters - thus she had improved her personal indoor distance by ten and her open air distance by at least three centimeters. She had hoped for such an increase - given the training achievements. "In the past year, the start-up often didn't work out," says Vogl. Now it went like clockwork in the competition. "That was really great." Vogl jumped 5.62 meters in the first attempt.

His athlete was “the perfect start,” said TSV department head Frank Osenberg. "There you go in the next attempts very differently." In the second round, Vogl confirmed its starting distance with 5.59 meters. In the fourth attempt, the record jump came. She actually prefers to jump outdoors, says Vogl. The conditions there would just suit her more. In any case, the results in the outdoor season are "much more important". "It is all the more surprising that she now jumps this distance in the hall in winter," said trainer Sabine Osenberg.

Katharina Vogl: targeting the six-meter mark

Behind Tina Pröger (6.03) from TSV Zirndorf, the Hohenpeißenberger - already South Bavarian champion (5.60) - won the vice title. Pröger's victory was deserved: she started the competition at 5.82 meters and had made 6.00 meters in the third attempt. She achieved her best distance in the last jump. Vogl also has its sights set on the six-meter mark. Cracking them as possible this year would be "great".

The Hohenpeißenberg athlete started at the age of around twelve or 13. In primary school, she was one of the youngest overall winner at the school competitions at that time. The teacher said that she should go to athletics, says Vogl. The throwing disciplines, however, “are not so mine,” says the 20-year-old, who has also had heptathlon. But she has all the more talent for sprinting and jumping. Above all, she works hard for her remarkable results. Training is popular five to six times a week. If you have some free time, Vogl likes to go skiing in winter and in the mountains and by bike in summer.

Katharina Vogl: Careful starts in the 60-meter sprint

In Munich, the Hohenpeißenberger also bribed in the 60-meter sprint. At the "Munich Indoors" the week before, Vogl had a false start in the final and had been disqualified. At the Bavarian championship "that already played a role," says the athlete. She started rather cautiously, "I didn't get started that way," was her assessment. The watch spoke a different language: in the run-up, she finished second behind top favorite Marina Scherzl (LG Dachau) in 7.90 seconds - Vogl had only missed her personal record by a hundredth of a second.

Katharina Vogl: fifth place in the final run in 7.89 seconds

In the intermediate run she kept the level: With another 7.90 seconds Vogl finished third and qualified for the final run of the best eight. There, the 20-year-old even increased: After 7.89 seconds (so she had set her record), she crossed the finish line in fifth. The time “was great,” says Vogl. Nevertheless, she sees room for improvement: "It is difficult to get a run in which everything is optimal." TSV trainer Osenberg was satisfied with her protege: "Overall, a strong and constant appearance." Gold went to Marina Scherzl (7.62), that had already won in 2019.

Munich: Medals for TSV Weilheim and TSV Penzberg

In addition to Vogl, other athletes from the district were also in great shape in Munich. Julia Rath from Penzberg, who is now starting for LAC Quelle Fürth, won two gold medals for the female U-18: once over the 800 meters (2: 12.57 minutes) and once over the 1500 meters (4: 40.88). Rath is one of the best young German runners and trains in Nuremberg, where she attends the Bertolt Brecht sports high school.

Semira Reiser (TSV Weilheim) won the Bavarian championship title in her second triple jump competition. The winning distance of the U-20 athlete was 10.46 meters. Marvin Bertram (U-20) stood out from the once again strong team of TSV Penzberg: he won the 1500 meters in personal best time of 4: 09.97 minutes. With this he achieved the norm for the youth DM in the hall. Luk Jäger (U-20) won the silver medal over the 3000 meters (8: 57.76) and the bronze badge over the 1500 meters (4: 16.11).

This is also interesting:

Lindauer jumps far, Vogl wins gold - the southern Bavarian indoor championship is the start of the season for many athletes. Katharina Vogl and Marco Lindauer already presented themselves in good shape in Munich.

Katharina Vogl wins heptathlon silver - top performance from Katharina Vogl: At the "Südbayerische", the athlete from TSV Peißenberg won heptathlon silver - with a club record.

Semira Reiser injures herself in the triple jump and is still allowed to cheer - Semira Reiser has not yet gained much experience in the triple jump. Nothing of that was noticeable at the Bavarian indoor championships.

Hat trick by Katharina Vogl, triple for Johnson - In the Upper Bavarian championship, the district athletes were at the forefront. Sprinter Raffieu Deen Johnson took three gold medals. A winner was bitterly disappointed.

Peißenberg youngsters in good shape - the youngsters of TSV Peißenberg performed well at the Upper Bavarian Championships - and set a club record.

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