The Limited Times

Known for aggressive behavior: Asian hornet is on the advance in Germany - and it is dangerous

2/6/2020, 8:04:10 PM

A discovery by the researchers is alarmed: the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) is on the advance in Germany.

A discovery by the researchers is alarmed: the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) is on the advance in Germany.

  • An Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) has reached Hamburg.
  • It is the first living find in Germany.
  • Researchers warn of their aggressive behavior.

Hamburg - Although it is only 2.2 centimeters tall, it is a danger: For the first time, researchers discovered an Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) in Germany. The scientists from the Center for Natural History at the University of Hamburg found the specimen alive on a company site in Billbrook.

That is why the Asian hornet is dangerous

The hornets, which are mainly found in southern China, the East Indies and Indonesia, can grow up to three centimeters in size, as can be read in a press release from the university. These insects are therefore smaller than native hornets.

The Asian hornet is known for its aggressive behavior towards honeybees , the researchers warn. The species is a serious threat, especially for beekeeping. The Asian hornet hunts for honeybees . According to the Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture (LWG) , it shows unusual hunting behavior. While hovering, the bees lurking in front of the flight holes and thus capturing flying bees.

It is still unclear whether several populations of the Asian hornet have already settled in northern Germany or whether the animal in Hamburg is a single find.

Asian hornet - invasion of a new species can hardly be stopped

However, the Asian hornet has already arrived in Europe. In 2005 the first specimen was sighted in southwestern France. The hornet has been spreading rapidly and uncontrollably since then. The researchers warn that the rate of invasion is enormous.

"We have to take the Hamburg find seriously and observe the spread of the species," said Dr. Martin Husemann, insect scientist at the Center for Natural History (CeNak) in the press release. The new find could therefore refute the assumption that the northern German region is climatically unfavorable for the Asian hornet.

Scientists believe that invasive species such as the Asian hornet are a major challenge in the modern world, as they are spreading rapidly as a result of globalization and thus threaten native species.

The Asian hornet has reached Hamburg: for the first time, researchers at the Center for Natural History have now identified a living specimen in northern Germany. The insects are best known for their aggressive behavior towards honeybees. Https://

- University of Hamburg (@unihh) February 5, 2020

The study was published in the current issue of the specialist magazine "Evolutionary Systematics".


List of rubric lists: © UHH / CeNak, Dalsgaard / dpa

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