The Limited Times

Nuclear weapons, a necessary evil in the face of proliferation crises

2/6/2020, 8:07:10 PM

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey could be tempted to bet on this type of bomb if Iran resumed its nuclear arms race.

Since 1960, it has been regarded as the “life insurance” of the nation, the keystone of its defense system, the foundation of its independence. As the ultimate guarantee of security, nuclear deterrence contributes to preserving peace on the continent. Without it, France would lose its rank, perhaps even its seat as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It would be blackmailed by other powers. It is however regularly attacked. Deterrence has never been so necessary in France. But it has never been so threatened, "says a former French military official.

Read also: Iran: the announced end of nuclear diplomacy

The new nuclear threats alone are enough to justify the relevance of French deterrence. In 2017, North Korea became an endowed state, which regularly tests new ballistic missiles. Framed since 2015 by an agreement signed with the international community (JCPOA), the Iranian military nuclear program is again emerging from its shackles, causing

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