The Limited Times

Sanremo: Benigni, the love poem of the Canticle of Canticles

2/6/2020, 10:34:10 PM

Roberto Benigni returns to Ariston nine years after the last performance, when he entered the saddle of a white horse to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - SANREMO, FEBRUARY 06 - Roberto Benigni returns to the Aristona nine years after the last performance, when he entered the saddle of a white horse to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Mail festival also presented it "in 1980, it was 30 / o, now with 70 / o reached 100, Sanremo can go pending," says the Oscar winner. After a tribute to Fellini and Sordi on the centenary, Benigni remembers that in 80 "TotoCutugno won, the eternal second who finished first. But now the voting system has changed, you can also intercom and say: here there is a gentle singing". After being hit by Matteo Salvini, he announces that he will sing "the most beautiful song in the world", Il Cantico deiCantici. Roberto Benigni displaces everyone and the exegesis of the biblical text at the Sanremoporta festival.
"It's a love song, it talks about the physical love of two girls each singing the love for each other. There is no more ardent song. It's like having The Beatles' Imagine or Yesterday and you've never done it in TV ", explains the Tuscan comedian.
"The Canticle exalts physical love. It is the peak of poetry of all times - continues in his monologue - So beautiful" that it has become sacred "even if" its presence in the Bible is strange: inside there are quivering naked bodies, eroticism , kisses. So very strong. "Explaining the words of the Cantico dei Cantici he said that it is" pure diamond ". The exegesis of the Cantico deicantici in Benigni's version is a hymn to" love that is infinite placed within the reach of each of us. We who have had this great joke of being in the world, glorious, now know it because, for love. And we always talk about love very little, even the young people who talk about it a lot, not that they do a lot of love. I would be to do more, even tonight at Ariston, live, all to make love directed by Vessicchio and as it goes, it would be a beautiful evening ".
Il Cantico dei cantici, continues the Oscar, "is the story of a couple, she and he who love each other, but it is the story of all the couples in the world, the woman with her man, the woman with her woman, the man with his man, even every human person he loves to love. " After the monologue a flood of applause (ANSA).

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