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Series recommendations according to the zodiac sign: This is the ideal choice for aquarians

2/6/2020, 5:04:33 PM

Each zodiac sign is assigned certain properties. This can also be used to determine which series match the zodiac signs.

Each zodiac sign is assigned certain properties. This can also be used to determine which series match the zodiac signs.

  • Everyone should have properties that are typical of their zodiac signs.
  • For example, watermen are considered free spirits.
  • Certain series are perfectly tailored to the characteristics of the watermen.

Those who celebrate their birthday between January 21 and February 19 have the Aquarius zodiac sign. This is accompanied by certain properties that are typical for the eleventh sign of the zodiac.

If you take a closer look at these characteristics, it can easily be associated with certain series. You can find out what these are among others in the list below.

Characteristics of aquarians

First of all: Of course, not all people with the same zodiac sign have identical properties. According to astrology , specific characteristics are related, among other things, to the position of the individual planets at the time of birth. All people with the same zodiac sign should therefore only have a few similarities. In addition, it is still unclear whether the subject of the zodiac sign is not just a misconception without truth.

If you do not question the signs of the zodiac and the supposedly associated properties, most aquarians should have the following characteristics in common: They are imaginative, imaginative and freedom-loving. They are also open to other people and love social contact. What does this mean for your series interests?

Check out this post on Instagram

* does not have to apply to all - #horoskopegalaxy #horoskope #sternzeichen #widder #stier #zwilling #krebs #löwe #jungfrau #waage #skorpion # schützen # Capricorn #wassermann #fische

A post shared by All About Astrology (@horoskopegalaxy) on Jan 30, 2020 at 4:09 am PST

Find out more : The best new series in February 2020 on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Sky Ticket.

These series could please aquarians

Since they are considered inventive and creative themselves, they love series with many twists and original actions that are entertaining at the same time. They are looking for cinematic works with content that they have never seen before in any other form. So a series has to be unpredictable and maybe a little mysterious and scary.

Also interesting : "Ragnarök" on Netflix - Will there be a second season of the god series?

The following selection would therefore be ideal for aquarians :


streaming service


Stranger Things


Sci Fi


Amazon, Sky Ticket

SciFi / Western

American horror story

Amazon, Netflix, Sky Ticket


Carnival Row




Amazon, Netflix






Amazon, Sky Ticket


Penny dreadful

Amazon, Netflix


You - you will love me



Read also : Competitor of Netflix and Amazon Prime wants to offer series and films for free.

Video: The four best animated series ever


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