The Limited Times

The sequence of attacks in Judea and Samaria could turn into a mass and deadly wave of terror Israel today

2/6/2020, 10:16:10 PM


The security system faces a crossroads that is reminiscent of the wave of lone terrorist attacks of 2015 • Then the Intifada was prevented by combining technological measures with measured conduct

  • Security forces in confrontations in Hebron // Photo: Reuters

  • Palestinians riot in Hebron // Photo: Reuters

  • Soldiers are held near Bethlehem // Photo: IP

The sequence of attacks in Judea and Samaria has particularly explosive potential. It requires Israel to act resolutely but also wisely to prevent it from becoming a mass and deadly wave.

The first steps have already been taken, first of all to reinforce forces on the ground (another battalion was sent to the West Bank yesterday). While more soldiers also create more targets for the attack, they also significantly increase the sense of security of the civilians and detect and disrupt terrorist activities. In any case, most terrorists prefer to hit uniformed wearers who are considered more legitimate targets, and for Israel, too, it is preferable for security personnel to absorb the attacks and not civilians.

Parallel to field operations, close operational and intelligence coordination is required between the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Israeli police. This combined effort can stem the individual intifada in 2015, and the challenge now is similar: to locate intelligence and technological tools in advance of those who intend to carry out an attack, and to stop them before they leave.

Documentation of the attack in the Old City // Photo: Police spokeswomen

Alongside these two efforts, Israel is required to avoid collective punishment and to differentiate between the terrorists and the civilian population not involved in it. This is a critical issue, which is often failed by Israeli politicians and causes damage. If the entire Palestinian public is punished, it will not condemn terrorism but give it backing. This can make the lonely crowds, and the sequence a dangerous wash.

The line linking the various terrorist attacks of recent days is clear. They all stem from the harsh atmosphere in the Occupied Territories following the publication of the Centennial Plan, and the support of Ibn Balan in this "protest. As before, the terrorists themselves are inspired by other terrorists who acted. They are mostly driven by personal problems, finding a way to become heroes in their own eyes and their surroundings. Most also have no religious background; The current events are largely nationalistic, hence their explosive potential: the Palestinian state touches everyone, and in the match, the incendiary may be wide and rouse the general public.

To avoid this, Israel is required to act with discretion. Avoid Palestinian casualties as much as possible, and make sure to cooperate successfully with Palestinian security forces. In that regard, the demolition of the house yesterday morning in Jenin - which developed into an exchange of fire during which a Palestinian policeman was shot and killed - was an unnecessary, negligent mistake. When the territories threaten to burn, vital actions such as arrests should be taken, but it is best to avoid actions that are delayed like house demolitions, and certainly it is imperative that allies who assist in preventing terrorist attacks that save Israeli lives should be harmed.

This challenge now lies first and foremost for the leadership of Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and Chief of the Shin Bet Nadav Argaman. Three weeks and a half before the elections, they are the responsible adults who need to prevent events in the West Bank (and in the Gaza Strip) from deteriorating. This may require them to stand firm even in the face of the political echelon. Crimson faced a similar challenge (along with Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot) during the Magnometer crisis in 2017. For the stars, this is a first experience in a particularly explosive situation - political and security.

As mentioned, this explosion exists not only in Judea and Samaria, but also in Gaza. The ballooning terrorism that intensified this past week requires a response, but statements last night about future damage to the launch squad were unnecessary. Palestinian casualties (mostly children) may have the opposite effect - escalating, not deterring and reassuring - and Israel may need to revert to the method it has already adopted, and has proven effective, of firing near the balloon runners, but avoiding direct harm to them.

In Gaza, too, like Judea and Samaria, the immediate Israeli interest is to calm down. Avoid unnecessary talk and casualties, and try to cool the area as much as possible. These missions will today be tested in two decrees, with Friday prayers and a number of events planned and potentially explosive. But not impossible: Israel has already stood on it several times in recent years, and with great success, and if you act with discretion - there is no reason why you will not stand it now.