The Limited Times

WHO world meeting next week

2/6/2020, 4:19:56 PM

WHO, the World Health Organization, will hold a summit next Tuesday and Wednesday in Geneva for a comparison of world experts on coronavirus. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 6 - WHO, the world health organization, will hold a summit next Tuesday and Wednesday in Geneva for a comparison of world experts on coronavirus. Loriporta the German Deutsche Welle website explaining that the meeting will be an opportunity to take stock and exchange information on the situation and research for a possible vaccine and therapies. The WHO director-general confirmed that on 11 and 12 February the UN body will host a forum extended to researchers from all over the world, including Ichinese, to establish coordination of their work, in search of therapies and vaccines against coronavirus. To find a vaccine and develop coronavirus therapies "will take time," he added, inviting everyone to "be guided by the facts, not the rumors."