The Limited Times

Why the police do not always display their RIO registration number during a demonstration

2/6/2020, 8:28:16 PM

DECRYPTION - Officials choose not to wear this mandatory number to "avoid reprisals" from demonstrators or, as some unions indicate, due to inappropriate equipment.

Since January 1, 2014, practicing police and gendarmes have been required to wear an individual identification number, called the identity and organization repository (RIO). Only the personnel "in charge of the security of the sites of the central direction of the interior intelligence" , of "buildings of the French diplomatic representations abroad" and "called to put on their uniform of honor during ceremonies or commemorations" escape this stopped. This measure, implemented under the former Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls, had been highly controversial in its time. The unions had unanimously denounced a stigmatization of civil servants, assimilated to "cattle" , according to the Independent Professional Police Federation (FPIP).

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Big problem: the countless demonstrations in recent months have highlighted the fact that the police do not always wear their RIO. Materialized by a scratch on the uniform or the "police" armband, this number crystallizes the anger of radical militants on the ground. According to them, the absence of this number allowed officials to escape investigations for "police violence" . On December 30, 2019, the former director general of the national police, Éric Morvan, even cracked a reminder of the rules to all the workforce. "It seems important to me in the context of strong engagement of the security forces that the directors and heads of service [...] can remind all of their staff that wearing an RIO is imperative," he said. Before adding: "This instruction applies regardless of work attire, including law enforcement attire" .

The decree of December 24, 2013 relating to the terms and conditions for the wearing of the individual identification number by officials of the national police, security assistants and reservists of the national police. Official newspaper

"Avoid reprisals"

Contacted by Le Figaro , the police unions do not deny this reality: very often, in office, civil servants do not wear the RIO. But why? The answer is above all practical. "In a situation of maintaining order, you have so much material on you, for protection or for weapons, that it can be easily hidden, totally or partially," explains Thierry Clair, union delegate Unsa. "The outfits are not suitable for fixing it," says Denis Jacob, secretary general of Alternative Police - CFDT. “During interventions in difficult neighborhoods, colleagues wear low visibility outfits. However, the RIO number is reflective. When you don't want to become a target, it's also an important point , also recalls Thierry Clair.

During interventions in difficult neighborhoods, colleagues wear low visibility outfits. However, the RIO number is reflective

Thierry Clair, delegate of the Unsa-police union

Joined by Le Figaro , two experienced CRS say they heard their close hierarchy discreetly recommend not to display the RIO in too visible a way to "avoid reprisals" . "Colleagues, during confrontations, may not want to snatch this number from them like a trophy," confirms Denis Jacob. On the other hand, the trade unionist said that he had had "no feedback" on official communications to this effect. "There is no such order," said a commander categorically. According to the secretary general of Alternative Police, however, one can not "not exclude that colleagues do not put it on purpose" . One of the CRS contacted spoke of the “fear” of certain officials vis-à-vis violent people and social networks. "A protester who has gone up a little could film a colleague several times, write down his number and try to take revenge another day if he falls on him," he describes. Sometimes, however, it is simply a matter of principle. "Let us not forget that the RIO was set up to calm the well-meaning associations who wanted the state to impose the delivery of an identity check receipt to supposedly fight facies checks " , he recalls.

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For Thierry Clair, the protesters' argument that the police voluntarily hide their RIO does not hold: “It is a number that appears only on the police card. It is not found on the Official Journal, unlike the serial number. There is almost no way for colleagues to be identified this way, ”he explains. According to him, the absence of this number does not prevent the proper conduct of investigations opened by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN). With GPS, radio, the administration quickly knows who is where. Our missions are listed, the composition of the crews too. When there is a procedure, it is transcribed on minutes, "reassures the unionist. As for the sanctions in the event of non-wearing of the RIO, they are for the moment non-existent. "A few oral reprisals at most," says a CRS. "Given the context, if the administration takes action in relation to this, there will be an outcry," warns Denis Jacob.