The Limited Times

Boris Johnson or smiling populism

2/7/2020, 9:58:33 PM

ANALYSIS - The British Prime Minister takes a completely different path from Donald Trump, to whom he is often compared.

Johnson is not Trump. Not quite at least. Certainly, the two leaders with peroxidized hair share the same taste for transgression, the same ability to address the working classes, the same sovereignist logic. Economically, both are liberal without being naive on the issue of free trade. Both are adamant about security and immigration. In a word, they can be described as "populist". Terme brandishes like an insult by their adversaries and that they knew how to return to their advantage. However, if Donald Trump remains an older generation populist, Boris Johnson may be inventing populism 2.0.

Read also: Brexit: "No, the European Union is not naive in the face of Boris Johnson"

" I promise to be the president of all Americans ", assured Donald Trump in a speech of victory in an unusually calm tone, before adding: " To those who did not vote for me, I reach out " . It was not as evidenced by its thunderous exit and

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