The Limited Times

Horse riding: a former competitor accuses three supervisors of rape

2/7/2020, 4:46:52 PM

LE SCAN SPORT - A "series of actions" will be carried out by the French Equestrian Federation following accusations of rape and sexual assault by a former competitor against her supervisors when she was a teenager in the 80s.

The French riding federation (FFE) announced on Friday in Bordeaux "a series of actions" after being arrested by a former competitor claiming to have been the victim of rape and assault during her adolescence in the 80s by three supervisors. After a first written response from the federation which claims to be "listening", the national technical director of the FFE Sophie Dubourg indicated to the press, at the Jumping International in Bordeaux, that a "series of 'actions (were) to follow'.

A complaint filed at the end of 2019 despite the prescription

Amélie Quéguiner, in her fifties, explained in a letter to the president of the FFE Serge Lecomte, posted on her Facebook account, to have been "the prey and the victim" of three men, "the teacher of my club for 10 years, the CTR (Regional technical advisor) at the time several times during training in my club and trip to the championship, another teacher during a regional course. ” She explains that she "filed a complaint against these three individuals, even if the facts are now prescribed". "I wanted to participate in the speech that is being released at this time so as to raise the awareness of as many people as possible about the evidence that these facts exist in sport and in horse riding in particular," she said. declared on France Bleu Périgord .

The prosecution of Pau confirmed Friday to AFP to have closed without action, at the end of 2019, a complaint filed by Amélie Quéguiner in 2018, for prescription. Since then, Ms. Quéguiner announced this week on Facebook that she had filed another complaint, without further details, posting a photo of a complaint receipt. Most of the events would have taken place at the time in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, and outside this department for internships. The former rider and now director of an equestrian center in Dordogne, denounces the fact that her main attacker "continues to lavish her knowledge during training courses in equestrian centers".

The French Equestrian Federation reacts quickly

In a press release published on the FFE website, Serge Lecomte, referring to Amélie Quéguiner's letter, said that “under (his) presidency, all the facts before us relating to violence, deviance or sexual abuse, have systematically , and without delay, gave rise to the establishment of provisional measures ”, and referral to the competent departments of the State and to the legal committee of the FFE. Regarding the accused by Ms. Quéguiner, Ms. Dubourg for her part assured that "these three people have no federal missions, so it is first (within the purview) of the Ministry of Sports for the right to teach, professional card and (of) criminal justice ”.

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