The Limited Times

Sexual violence: Didier Gailhaguet will meet a federal council on Saturday

2/7/2020, 3:19:16 PM

While French skating is shaken by a sexual assault scandal following the revelations of former skater Sarah Abitbol, ​​who accuses her former coach, Gilles Beyer, of rape and sexual assault, the president of the French Sports Federation of Ice, Didider Gailhaguet, ...

While French skating is shaken by a sexual assault scandal following the revelations of former skater Sarah Abitbol, ​​who accuses her former coach, Gilles Beyer, of rape and sexual assault, the president of the French Sports Federation de Ice, Didider Gailhaguet, will meet a federal council on Saturday according to concordant sources. The latter was ordered by the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, to resign, accused of having protected Beyer by not doing everything necessary to keep the coach away from the federation.

Read also

  • Dossier: sexual violence in sport

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