The Limited Times

They demand again that banks have security personnel in all their branches

2/7/2020, 9:31:11 PM

The Central Bank restored that rule that it had eliminated in 2017. It also set other measures aimed at strengthening controls.

02/07/2020 - 18:12

  • Clarí
  • Police

In response to the crime of the teller of the National Bank of Isidro Casanova, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) reported on Friday that it will again be mandatory for financial institutions to have security personnel in all their branches.

The monetary authority chaired by Miguel Pesce decided to restore the rule that had been eliminated in 2017 . "Now, the banks must have at least one security person, who must monitor the access to the premises, the customer service boxes, the entrance to the treasury and the automatic terminals located inside the customer service room," they said through of a statement.

"This measure arises in response to the unfortunate events that occurred at the Isidro Casanova branch , and within the framework of the Permanent Banking Security Commission re-established on February 4," they clarified from the Central.

In addition, the requirements regarding the closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras held by the branches were expanded . Punctually, it was established that they should record what happens on the sidewalk, in the areas of income of the staff and the public, in the service boxes, in the access to the money storage sector, inside the armored treasure, in the rental safe deposit boxes service, in the branch's automatic terminals and in all areas where money is transferred "

It was also established that financial institutions must submit to the BCRA the information that accredits the amount of personnel assigned and that will be assigned by branch, together with the security plan prepared for this purpose.

The measure was made official through communication A 6894 and was described as an "immediate action that seeks to restore and improve, as a first step, the security conditions for users and bank employees".