The Limited Times

Tulkarm: Palestinian throws Molotov cocktail at IDF forces - Vanora | Israel today

2/7/2020, 8:37:22 PM


Palestinians clash with IDF in several locations in Judea and Samaria • Two Border Police officers were wounded in stone in Nablus district • Only a few dozen people left Gaza for a "return demonstration"

  • Palestinian youths throw stones at IDF soldiers in Kfar Azzun // Photo: AP

A 19-year-old Palestinian woman hurled a Molotov cocktail at IDF forces and was shot dead (Friday) during order violations in the town of Capin near Tulkarm. The young man was taken to the hospital by the Red Crescent.

The IDF said: "This afternoon, a violent breach of the security fence ensued near Kafr Kafin, in the Menashe Regional Division, during which dozens of Palestinians threw stones and threw firebombs at IDF fighters and endangered the forces.

During the breach of the fighters' order, a Palestinian identified them as throwing a Molotov cocktail and responded by firing at the threat removal. This is a violation of a violent order that posed a threat to IDF soldiers and security infrastructure. "

This is the fifth death in the West Bank, riots and disruptions that have occurred since the announcement of US President Donald Trump's centennial plan. Order violations are mostly caused by young people and are not organized at high levels. These are not high numbers of protesters: About 300 Palestinians each year

Settlement violations took place in a number of locations: Near Kfar Azzun in the Nablus governorate, several hundred Palestinians threw stones and Molotov cocktails at Border Police forces, which responded by means of dispersing demonstrations. Two Border Warriors were lightly injured in the activity and were evacuated for medical treatment at the hospital.

In the southern sector, it is quiet today: only a few dozen Palestinians from Gaza came to weekly "demonstrations of return" near the Gaza fence.

Meanwhile, after a Palestinian Hamas restraint force was posted on the Palestinian social networks that allegedly was hit by IDF gunfire in the Jabalya area, IDF spokesman Avihai Adrei said the report was false. "After a thorough investigation, no IDF live fire was fired at demonstrators along the entire border in the Gaza Strip in recent hours - moreover, no order violations were carried out at the border fence near Jabalya at the time of this news release," said Idre'i.

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