The Limited Times

Bastareaud and New York start with defeat

2/9/2020, 11:10:18 PM

Rugby United New York, Mathieu Bastareaud's new club, started the North American professional championship with a heavy defeat against the New England Free Jacks team, 34 to 14. The Frenchman, visibly overweight and replaced at the hour of play when his team was already led ...

Rugby United New York, Mathieu Bastareaud's new club, started the North American professional championship with a heavy defeat against the New England Free Jacks team, 34 to 14. The Frenchman, visibly overweight and replaced at the hour of play while his team was already led 27 to 7, has not shown much to his advantage.

Bastareaud's MLR pre-season seems like it mostly involved eating many meals in American sized portions. He looks even rounder than usual.https: //

- Tier 2 Rugby (@ T2Rugby) February 9, 2020

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