The Limited Times

France-Italy: the favorites and favorites of our special envoys

2/9/2020, 8:52:12 PM

After the Blues' victory over the Transalpines (35-22), discover what caught the attention of our special envoys at the Stade de France

By Arnaud Coudry and David Reyrat at the Stade de France


France leads the tournament
“I especially remember the two victories and the first place in the classification. It hasn't happened to us for a long time. ”Gregory Alldritt is right. The XV of France in the first place, even provisional, of the Six Nations Tournament, it was a long time ago. In fact, since 2010 and the last Grand Slam. Since then, the Blues have known only three flawless starts after two matches: in 2011, 2014 and 2016. But without ever being first, each time ahead of the goal-average by England or Ireland. In 2011 and 2014, they then conceded two losses in three games. And for Guy Novès' first tournament, four years ago, they collapsed, losing their next three games. This time therefore, they are very first. For nothing, unlike points on Ireland (+ 20 for France, + 17 for XV of the Clover). “If we look coldly at the situation, this is a very good start to the Tournament. Two matches, two victories, 9 points and a provisional first place. All that must give confidence, "insists however the manager of the Blues, Raphaël Ibanez.

Italy, that scratchy hair
Admittedly, the Nazionale conceded a 24th consecutive defeat in the Six Nations Tournament on Sunday. The Transalpins' last victory dates back to 2015. We know that. On the other hand, one cannot take away from Italy the fact that it has the knack to disturb the XV of France, to hinder and make it doubt. We promised hell to these Italians - deprived of emblematic players like Sergio Parisse or Leonardo Ghiraldini - but, in the end, they managed to shake up the Blues, never leaving the match and even ended up scoring three tries at the Stade de France. Real scratching hair of the France team. Given the lack of depth of the Italian tank and the poor results of these two franchises in the Pro 14, it is a good performance. Some people regularly wonder if Italy still has its place in the Tournament. It brings a little freshness in an increasingly monolithic and padlocked rugby. Even if the results don't follow ... But let's hope it will come.

READ ALSO - Grégory Alldritt: "We are not afraid of the Welsh"

The dazzling entry of Serin
He must have had ants in his legs. Against England, Baptiste Serin did not come into play, Antoine Dupont playing the entire 80 minutes of success against the XV de la Rose. There, the new scrum half of RC Toulon came into play in the 73rd minute against the Italians. And carried out, from the outset, a high class action. Penalty quickly played by hand, little kick for himself and try against a dumbfounded transalpine defense. The former UBB player has remembered the good memories of the Blues staff. Antoine Dupont goes on with world class performances but, behind him, Baptiste Serin - excellent with the RCT during his last outings - recalled that he was more than a luxury lining. The XV of France has two excellent numbers 9. Abundance of goods does not harm.


Teddy Thomas, a defense to be assured
His line of stats is not beautiful to see. In defense, the Racing winger showed the same lack of energy as in the sky-and-white jersey. Three successful tackles and as many failures against Italy. He is in particular at fault, certainly tied with Antoine Dupont, on the first Italian try, in the 24th minute. Defense is not its strong point, it is not new. In Racing, we gladly forgive him because his offensive performance is indisputable (12 tries in 11 matches in all competitions this season). But, by dint of not getting involved in this sector, its mistakes end up penalizing the XV of France. The week before, against England, he had thus succeeded… only one tackle, for two failures! Against Italy, we can add to its speed two balls lost in the game. And an offensive contribution far from being up to its potential. Teddy Thomas certainly scored a try when he received a low kick from Romain Ntamack but, for the rest, it was seven races for only eleven meters won and no Italian defender beaten. Not enough to guarantee his starting place against the Welsh. Fortunately for him, Vincent Rattez, victim of a sprained ankle, will be unavailable, and it is not certain that Damian Penaud, package for the first two tricks of the Tournament, will be reinstated in time ... The Italians had identified the Ile-de-France winger as a weak link, insisting on his wing. It is feared that the Welsh will do the same.

READ ALSO - Teddy Thomas, the show intermittently

A far too fragile conquest
This is the watchword of the staff: finding a dominant conquest. But, as against England, this was not the case. In touch, everything went well in the first half before, after returning from the locker room, to lose three in a row. The pitcher, Julien Marchand, is not the only one to incriminate. Timing of lifters or clumsiness of receptionists are also involved. In closed melee, that is not yet it either. The tricolor pack has never backed down its Italian counterpart and, as against the English, the entry of Demba Bamba in place of Mohamed Haouas (revelation of the first two matches) has again weakened the building, the young Lyon pillar conceding from the outset a penalty in this sector. The front coaches, William Servat and Karim Ghezal, have their work cut out for the trip to Cardiff.

Ntamack, scorer not in the wind
The weather conditions were more than complicated on Sunday at the Stade de France. Gusts of wind, rain, not ideal for scorers. And Romain Ntamack suffered in his role as gunner of the XV of France, finishing the match with a skinny 3/7 against the poles. Complicated. Fortunately it was Italy, say the bad languages. The Stade Toulousain opener hit the posts twice, once it passed, another did not. Last week, he had much more success in achieving an impeccable 4/4 against the English. On Saturday, in even more severe weather conditions, the metronomist Owen Farrell missed three penalties against Scotland, finishing 4/7. Unusual. So it happens to the best ...

Read also

  • France-Italy: the debriefing of the match by our journalists