The Limited Times

No joy, no joy Israel today

2/9/2020, 12:58:17 PM

Medical masks are not trendy • Today, when the corona virus is very stressful, wearing the mask should add some fashion style to it

Basic medical masks are not trendy • Nowadays, when the corona virus is very stressful, wearing the mask should add some style to it

Medical masks have never been particularly sexy, that is, until the corona virus emerged into our lives and was able, and rightly, to pressure many of the world.

And when something happens in the world, it usually gets a place on social networks as well. Thus, the masks took a particularly fashionable turn. Tapping the term "fashionable medical masks" produces no less than a million and a half results, including quite diverse options across all leading shopping sites, from Matsy to Amazon. That figure is probably asked when the #coronavirus hashtag contains hundreds of selfie photos with a new star in the prime - the medical mask. What didn't we see there? Gold masks, black masks, captioned masks, cute icons, and graphic elements - the masks business is booming and resourceful businessmen have realized the potential.

A non-binding investigation of the hashtag shows that this is a trend that has spread itself like an epidemic (sorry, we had to) mainly in Russia, if we rely on the amount of babes in masks we have seen and underwritten in Russian, but all over the world, and even in our country we have seen very popular masks in solid posts.

For example, a honeysuckle in Nebanishi, which raised a post with a serious reference to the subject, told of living in Thailand in the shadow of the plague. Alongside the content of the post, her stylish mask could not be ignored.

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In recent days, every day I receive messages and calls from various press systems in the country to be interviewed about the Corona and explain what's going on in Thailand. At first I was not interviewed because I did not even understand what it was about. By the time we started hearing the waves of pressure from the country, I didn't feel I had anything to contribute to the discourse and fear. We do not feel it here, there is no specific preparation and at least now tourism is at its peak, as usual at this time of year. I certainly don't have any information you haven't been exposed to, probably before. Whenever you fly you are exposed to a lot of people from all over the world with different bacteria in confined spaces and your immune system is weakened, so a lot of people always fly with a mask and I decided there was no reason, especially in the light of the confusion and misunderstanding, not to do what was possible. Basically, I put on a mask mostly because my mom asked. But to anyone who asks me whether to come, as far as I'm concerned, Kupangan is a stronghold of peace and quiet, but if fear and pressure accompany you on the way here, this may not be your exact time for a vacation in the East. Listen to those who make you feel safe and especially to yourself. I was delighted to be interviewed today by the stunning Nesely Barda in the morning news, on a topic I know a lot more about, light of peace and the amazing renovation we got to do together with Miri Confusion and the School of Skola, thanks to my amazing friends who donated for the renovation of my birthday event. We organize for the annual summer event and look for a place, catering, running everything joyful and expansive, for a day that is all happy and good for my children and foster families. Waiting for you to be flooded with suggestions for help and at least as you flooded in with questions about Corona :) and just getting healthy! Link to my story interview ❣️

A post shared by Yaara Benbenishty Yaarhbenbanishti (@yaara) on Feb 6, 2020 at 7:12 am PST

Chef Shaul Ben Aderet also posted a post a few days ago with an entertaining and invested face mask, plus the caption "Ready for Corona":

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Ready for Corona

A post shared by @ shaul_ben_aderet on Feb 3, 2020 at 1:30 am PST

Even the most trendy star today, Billy Elish didn't ignore the masks when she appeared on the Grammy's red carpet a few weeks ago, sparking interest in a perfect Gucci block, which didn't skip a mock surgical mask from the elite fashion house. billie eilish 2020 grammys outfit

And if combined with Couture and medical masks, we can't ignore a YouTube video that demonstrates how to take apart a branded hat and turn it into a stylish styling mask.

It is impossible to escape the designed masks, and in fact this is a perfectly logical process. In Asia the mask in question has been widely accepted for decades as a legitimate means and is sought for in any simple illness. The population density dimensions require a more rigorous adherence to hygiene and thus local education governs self-commitment to environmental health and personal use of the mask in any suspicion of simple heat illness.

Common use of Asia's major cities is also another reason, and is air pollution. The combination of the amount of vehicles, people and environmental pollution that comes from cities that populate millions has created a rather familiar phenomenon of pollution masks that filter some of the soot and allow the daily journey from remote provinces and suburbs to work in major cities, a matter of hours every day in many cases. Even in countries where bicycles and non-motorized vehicles are large, along with a plethora of old vehicles and pollutants on the road, as in the case of Vietnam, for example, air pollution masks appear.

These same air pollution masks have also penetrated westward in recent years, mainly as a result of the annual Brenningman festival located in a desert and dusty area. The colorful nature of the event and its spectacular character also produced a completely different reference to the functional item. The mask became so closely associated with the event that it became popular even in other fashionable festivals, such as Coachella, if only because of its "Burning" style. Kendall Jenner was photographed at one of the festivals wearing a white medical mask in such a fashionable block that almost made us want to restore it.

Photo from Twitter

Is the future of us all looking for medical masks in the closet, as a trivial part of the wardrobe - like gloves or hats or socks? Days will tell, and we all hope not. If so, and in general - at this point you may well recognize, this is the page of the coolest brand we have found in the field of medical masks.