The Limited Times

The former lawyer of Cristina Kirchner and advises in the Senate expressed her opinion about the political prisoners and spoke to the judges: "Let's see if they are moving their asses"

2/9/2020, 11:25:12 PM

Graciana Peñafort said that Alberto Fernández "cannot say that in his government there are political prisoners" because he is President.

02/09/2020 - 17:17

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The former lawyer of Cristina Kirchner and general director of Legal Affairs of the Senate, Graciana Peñafort , got into the controversy by political prisoners and spoke directly to the judges: "" Let's see if they are moving their asses, your ladies and gentlemen! " .

In an extensive column of opinion that she published in the blog El Rocket a la Luna, the lawyer said that it does not coincide with the head of Cabinet, Santiago Cafiero, regarding the fact that in Argentina there are no political prisoners because - Peñafort emphasized - "there are ".

For the lawyer, "the vast majority of those who already have a conviction - even if not firm - were convicted in proceedings that are suspected of such severe vices and judges so arranged that, if they were reviewed by a fairly fair court, they would be annulled and ordered a new trial. "

"And I also add to those prisoners who are for the poor, they are prisoners of a judicial policy that does not recognize the poor the right to defense, nor the right to a fair trial, much less the state of innocence," he added.

Regarding the position of Alberto Fernández on the issue, who during the campaign and in the Casa Rosada said that in the country "there are no political prisoners" but "arbitrary detainees", Peñafort considered that "Alberto can not call political prisoners to political prisoners "because" is the President of the Nation ".

Peñafort used a friend's message to explain why Fernández takes this position: "If the Executive Power were to sustain, without judicially proving, that fellow political prisoners are political prisoners, they would be obliged to act within the framework of their powers. is, using the constitutional tool of the pardon. "

"It is true that he (for Fernández) did not put them in jail, nor did he persecute them, let alone pressure judges and prosecutors to have people imprisoned for political reasons. He came to the President and there were prisoners for political reasons," he said.

In this sense, the lawyer of Amado Boudou said that "it is not the President of the Nation who must rule on the processes, but those gentlemen so rare that we call judges", but questioned that "until now they have remained in their usual, irritating and unfair silence. "

"I think it would be time for us to stop pressuring the Executive Power with things that the Executive Power cannot do and look and claim those who must do what they don't do. The judges and the Judiciary. Let's see if they are moving your ass, Your Lordships! And it is not that I want to be disrespectful, it is that I am fed up and tired of doing nothing, "he said.

The Senate adviser also recalled that, despite not talking about political prisoners, "Alberto Fernández accompanied Milagro Sala in his unfair detention, long before he was even a candidate for President."

The controversy over political prisoners was reactivated on Thursday when statements by Cafiero were known, who said that for the Government "there are no political prisoners in Argentina, what there are are arbitrary detentions."

"We do understand that all these issues, within the framework of the procedures that already exist and that are already with resources presented, Justice must determine them," added the Chief of Staff.

Former Planning Minister Julio De Vido came out with the tipped caps against Cafiero: "How much political formation deficit, what unbearable superficiality," said the former minister via Twitter.

The controversy continued to grow in the last hours and the one who added his opinion was the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof: "If there are politicians and Justice is used to put them in jail, the right thing is to call them political prisoners. Political prisoners with preventive prisons, repentant trouts ".

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