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Write (bad) on the skin: Are these the worst tattoos ever? - Walla! fun

2/9/2020, 8:16:17 AM

Onion on the armpit, a misspelling on Bon Jovy's name, braid in the back, eyes in the back and what not? We've put together the worst tattoos for you - and it is beyond imagination

Write (bad) on the skin: Are these the worst tattoos ever?

Onion on the armpit, a misspelling on Bon Jovy's name, braid in the back, eyes in the back and what not? We've put together the worst tattoos for you - and it is beyond imagination

Write (bad) on the skin: Are these the worst tattoos ever?

Walla system! News

For most people, tattoos are a timeless reminder of the things or people they care about. If it's a singer or character they adore, a loved one (living or dead) who wants to commemorate his name on our bodies. Or just a touching work of art but that's not always the case. There are many people who become addicted to tattoos and tattoo their entire bodies with different and different tattoos, and sometimes the result is very bad. At "Board Panda" you have collected some of the worst tattoos available.

Starting with an onion tattoo on the armpit, eyes in the back, braids on the back and what not? One woman decided to tattoo a vegetable on her face, just so everyone knew she was a vegetarian. One tattooed a Bon Jovi song with a spelling mistake in his name and one painted his entire body in black ink. So why expand on words? Watch yourself and decide - which tattoo is the worst of all?

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Half tongue, eye tattoos: This guy has a particularly painful hobby
There are other bad tattoos apparently
Dilemma: This tattoo caused doctors to let the patient die
Made a tattoo of his girlfriend naked - and soon after they broke up

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