The Limited Times

"Go away, you have the coronavirus", offenses to Chinese people

2/10/2020, 2:58:53 PM

In Rome, some bullies take it out on other girls and threaten them with bottle glasses (ANSA)

A group of Chinese boys, including a pregnant young girl, were targeted by three young boys yesterday in Rome. "Go away from Italy because you are infected with the coronavirus" they would have shouted as they crossed the street in Piazza dei Consoli in the Tuscolana area. One, a fifteen-year-old, would have threatened them with a shard of a bottle. The police intervened on the spot, who blocked the 15-year-old boy and took him to the police station while the other two ran away.

As reported by the police, the group of four Chinese boys on Sunday afternoon was crossing in Piazza dei Consoli when they were targeted by three boys. When the policemen of the Tuscolano police station arrived, the 15-year-old who had threatened the Chinese boys with a broken bottle was taken to the police station with the three young Chinese men. Nobody was hurt. The pregnant girl was instead taken to the hospital as a precaution for fright and discharged with three days of prognosis. At the end of the checks, the group of Chinese citizens, joined by the consulate's lawyers, decided not to file a complaint against the 15-year-old.

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