The Limited Times

2020 local election: AfD candidate Paukner wants free public transport

2/10/2020, 8:52:35 PM

Richard Paukner (AfD) has big plans in the event that he is elected to Freising OB: Free public transport for seniors is not his only intention.

Richard Paukner (AfD) has big plans in the event that he is elected to Freising OB: Free public transport for seniors is not his only intention.

He was the last to declare his candidacy for the role of Mayor of Freising: Richard Paukner from the AfD. Born in Freisinger, reveals his strengths and weaknesses in the FT interview, presents a list of ideas and mentions a political role model that is surprising.

The OB election will be in a few weeks. How do you feel?

Quiet and relaxed.

Why do you want to become Freisinger OB?

I was born in Freising and have lived here all my life. I want to be there for my city and change it positively.

What character traits does an OB have to have?

He needs assertiveness and stamina, so he mustn't let himself get down. Teamwork is also important.

Paukner: "Traffic is the most annoying in the city area"

Your motto in life?

For me, a glass of water is always half full and never half empty.

What would you call your greatest strength?

Thanks to my many years of work as a dispatcher, I know how to keep a clear head even in difficult situations.

And where do you still need to optimize?

To curb my good-naturedness and generosity.

What do you love most about the city of Freising?

The Mediterranean ambience of Fischergasse, the dreamy little streets and the idyllic snake path with the Korbiniansbrunnen.

What annoys you about Freising?

Traffic in the inner city during rush hour.

An OB must conduct a large orchestra. What beat do you want to beat?

The four-quarter time - full throttle. I want to work with everyone and work together to improve Freising, make Freising even more livable.

"Thanks to the FW, the third runway was only postponed"

Awareness of climate change is greater than ever in society. What do you personally do to protect our planet?

I renovated and renovated my house ecologically last year. I installed new windows, renewed the roof insulation to reduce heat emission and thus live more environmentally friendly.

What do you think: does building roads help relieve traffic, or does it even lead to more traffic?

It depends on the type of street. In the inner city it would probably lead to more traffic jams than it already does. However, if you build new bypasses, it helps to relieve the traffic permanently.

The moratorium on the third runway ends during your term of office. What will you expect in 2023?

Thanks to the free voters, the third runway was only postponed, in 2023 we will be back at the beginning. There is definitely a lot of work ahead of us. The disadvantages that the construction would bring are out of proportion to the alleged advantages.

"There must be no misallocations with those who are not in need"

One topic that also concerns people is the horrendous rents in Freising and the housing shortage. How do you intend to alleviate or even master this problem?

Accelerate the building permit and build additional floors as long as it somehow fits into the townscape. There must also be no misallocation of public apartments with people who are not in need. The misallocation surcharge must be increased significantly.

Our prosperity in this country depends on good education. Is the city of Freising up to date with its schools or is there a need to catch up?

The city of Freising is up to date with its secondary schools, high schools, elementary and middle schools, a business school, an FOS and BOS and a vocational school.

Without their own cinema, many Freisinger feel like they are in the wrong film. What is urgently missing in the city?

Freising generally lacks leisure activities for young people and seniors, for example youth and senior gatherings.

AfD candidate wants to build Isarsteg with user participation

Who is your political role model and why?

Helmut Schmidt - decisive in crisis situations, personable and competent. He was a politician who tried sensitively and determinedly to achieve his goals.

If you are elected OB, then ...

, , , I am committed to more and, above all, affordable living space for young people and seniors. I also want to put the public money that was intended for the "offside" into projects such as leisure activities for young people. I would like to offer local public transport for seniors free of charge and extend this to all Freisinger in the long term. For volunteer helpers, I would like to provide free parking spaces while performing my duties and offer them free entry to public facilities. I would like to promote regional food producers and involve more in local supply. I would like to build the Isarsteg with the participation of the users and involve the population more in the planning of the bicycle traffic.

You can find all OB candidates in the FT's large overview article. OB Tobias Eschenbacher (FSM), OB candidates Jens Barschdorf (FDP), Susanne Günther (Greens) and Jügen Mieskes (CSU) have also answered questions.