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Corona virus in Germany: Supervisor about work in a quarantine station - "I wash my hands 80 times a day"

2/10/2020, 8:10:35 PM

The corona virus also affects Germany. The returnees from China are treated in a quarantine center. One of the supervisors reveals how things are going there.

The corona virus also affects Germany. The returnees from China are treated in a quarantine center. One of the supervisors reveals how things are going there.

  • After the outbreak of the corona virus , various Germans were brought back from China.

  • After the landing, the returnees are placed in quarantine .
  • A supervisor gives an insight into the complicated work .

Update from February 10, 9:02 pm: In Germersheim , Rhineland-Palatinate , 122 German returnees from Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus started, have been cared for in a quarantine station since February 1. This is done by 22 volunteers, including Dennis Förster. The 31-year-old from Brandenburg gives an insight into his work by telephone interview.

He explains: "We wear masks that cover the mouth and nose , I disinfect my hands up to 80 times a day." He and his colleagues would only wear gloves when serving the food delivered by a caterer - also to the returnees, which also includes 21 children, causing no discomfort.

The returnees would meet "the others at a distance of two meters ", the only exception being their own family members. The caretakers of the Red Cross would also take off their masks when changing from the "black" area in which the returnees are to the "white" area to jackets, pants and boots . The quarantine phase ends on February 16, and Förster is looking forward to it: "Then I'll go eat a kebab first." He and his colleagues have not left the station since January 31.

Update of February 10, 1:30 p.m .: While more and more people with Chinese origin in Germany are becoming victims of hostility and discrimination due to the corona virus , the Dutch have now started a petition against systematic exclusion. The petition "We are not a virus", which indicates daily discrimination, has over 25,000 signatories.

Under the hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus (German: I am not a virus ), people of Asian origin have also been reporting in many other countries about their experiences with racism in everyday life since the advent of the virus. For example, there is talk of people who were not wanted in the restaurant.

Corona virus in Germany: EU health ministers meet for a special meeting

Update of February 10, 12:00 noon: The EU health ministers will meet on Thursday for a special meeting to discuss how to deal with the coronovirus. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn and his colleagues want to assess the situation and advise about possible far-reaching consequences. Spahn had recently called for stricter entry controls.

Update from February 10, 10:36 am: The 20 Chinese returnees in Berlin are not infected with the new corona virus. "We are relieved. All test results on the novel

Coronaviruses of returnees in Berlin are negative, ”said Dilek Kalayci, the health minister of Berlin (SPD) on Monday. "The 14-day

Quarantine for the longest possible incubation period under observation is a measure to protect those affected themselves and the population. “Civil protection is a top priority.

The 16 adults and four children who were in the Chinese city of Wuhan landed at Berlin Tegel Airport and were immediately taken to a quarantine station. The Germans and their families are well up at the moment. For security reasons, the corona virus test would be repeated every four days during quarantine .

Coronavirus in Germany: Terrifying knowledge of the transmission - further returnees landed

Update from February 9, 8:09 p.m .: The returnees from China are 16 adults and four children. They are housed in twelve rooms. So far, none of the returnees show symptoms of a coronavirus infection , the treating doctors said in a press conference. Every four days everyone would be tested for the cornavirus. This is necessary, as the latest findings on the pathogen have revealed.

Update from February 9, 4:13 p.m .: All returnees from China arrived in a building of the clinics of the German Red Cross (DRK) in Berlin-Köpenick on Sunday afternoon. There the 20 people will remain in quarantine for 14 days. All would be tested for the corona virus , it said. A result is expected on Monday noon.

Corona virus in Germany: Chinese returnees have arrived in Berlin

Update from 1:11 p.m .: The 20 German returnees from Wuhan have arrived in Berlin-Tegel . Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) said 17 people from other European countries were also on board the Bundeswehr aircraft. German citizens and their family members are now being taken to a DRK hospital in Berlin Köpenick, where they will remain in quarantine for 14 days - completely separate from normal patient care in the clinics.

"The security for staff, patients and relatives is guaranteed," said the head of the international cooperation of the DRK, Christof Johnen. There are twelve rooms. Among other things, people have access to television and WiFi. "It is a stressful situation for people, so the stay should be made as pleasant as possible."

Coronavirus deaths exceed Sars pandemic

February 9 update: The new corona virus has claimed more lives than the Sars pandemic 17 years ago. With 89 new deaths from lung disease, the total number of victims worldwide rose to 813 . So far, more than 300 infections have been confirmed outside of China, including 14 in Germany.

This Sunday morning, German returnees from the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan are expected at Berlin Tegel Airport . According to the health administration, you will be received by an official doctor. It should check whether passengers experienced symptoms during the flight. They will then be housed in an isolation area in the clinics of the German Red Cross in the Köpenick district. All passengers would be tested for the corona virus. A result is expected for Monday noon.

According to the current plans, the returnees should stay in the hospital for 14 days, be examined and treated if necessary. Just over a week ago, around 100 German citizens and family members had arrived in Frankfurt am Main with a Bundeswehr aircraft.

Coronavirus in Germany: Terrifying Insight into Transmission - Five New Infects in Europe

Update from 10:24 pm : A British charter plane with returnees from the Chinese city of Wuhan is on its way to Great Britain. The plane with 200 British and other citizens on board took off on Sunday morning at 2:30 a.m. local time. This was announced by the State Department in London. It was due to land at the British military airport near Oxford on Sunday morning.

The Federal Foreign Office tweeted with thanks to the British authorities: "On a British charter plane, Germans and family members from Wuhan are on their way home." Around 20 German citizens from Wuhan are expected in Berlin on Sunday morning.

On board a British charter plane, Germans and family members from #Wuhan are on their way home. Have a good flight and many thanks to the authorities for the great help! #coronavirus

- Federal Foreign Office (@AuswaertigesAmt) February 8, 2020

Coronavirus: WHO takes action against misinformation

Update from 5:53 p.m .: According to the World Health Organization, WHO is taking action against false information on the new corona virus . This would cause confusion and fear. That said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva on Saturday. "We are therefore also fighting the trolls and conspiracy theorists who spread false information and thus undermine the work against the outbreak," he said.

The WHO chief explained that it was also in contact with numerous social networks . "We asked them to filter out incorrect information and favor correct information from trustworthy sources." WHO also sought contact with influencers via Instagram and YouTube and asked them to spread factual news about the virus. "The focus is on the Asia-Pacific region," said Tedros.

Five new cases in France: the number of coronavirus infections in Europe increases to at least 37

Update of February 8, 1:53 p.m .: With the discovery of five new infections in France, the number of coronavirus cases in Europe has risen to at least 37. A child and four adults with British citizenship had been tested positive for the virus in France , the French health minister Agnès Buzyn said on Saturday. The patients were treated in hospitals and showed no signs of serious illness, Buzyn explained.

The new infections in France are believed to have come from a Briton who was in Singapore at the end of January. He was then in the municipality of Contamines-Montjoie in the department of Haute-Savoie, where he was housed together in a chalet with a total of eleven British citizens.

Corona virus in Germany: New evacuation flight lands in Berlin on Sunday

Update from February 8, 1:25 p.m .: In Berlin, preparations are being made for the arrival of other Germans who will be flown out of the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan. "The federal government has decided to allow further returnees from Wuhan to land in Berlin," said Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) on Saturday. About 20 people are flown out. The returnees are scheduled to land on an airplane on the military part of Berlin-Tegel Airport this Sunday.

According to the health administration, they will be received by an official doctor there. They are to be housed in an isolation area in the DRK clinics in Berlin-Köpenick on the south-eastern outskirts of Berlin. All passengers would be tested for the corona virus. A result is expected for Monday noon.

According to the current plans, the returnees should stay in the hospital for 14 days, be examined and treated if necessary. The city is well prepared for this, said Kalayci. The processes in Berlin would be coordinated by the Senate Health Administration.

Update from February 8, 8.26 a.m .: At the weekend, the Federal Government would like to bring back more Germans with some relatives from Wuhan in China . There are "individual people" who only reported after the return flight last Saturday or who could not have made it to the airport in time, the Foreign Office said on Thursday evening. "We are making every effort to enable these people to leave the country." According to dpa, a total of about 20 people are to come to Germany. They may be able to fly out with a larger group of British. According to “Spiegel”, they should be put in quarantine in a clinic in Berlin-Köpenick.

The picture , however, reports that 35 people are to be brought to Germany. This should not only include Germans, but also Austrians and Luxembourg nationals. The paper confirms that the Germans should be flown out with a plane from the British government. The aircraft is scheduled to land at the Brize Norton Air Force base in England early Sunday morning, it said. From there, the Germans should travel on to the Tegel with an Air Force Airbus. Here, the passengers should be shielded so that they do not come into contact with other travelers.

The Chinese government is now under attack due to shortcomings in handling and initial cover-up related to the corona virus. After the death of a doctor who had warned in December, China is now launching a coronavirus crisis management investigation.

Corona virus in Germany: doctors warn and provide new insights into the contagion

Update from February 7, 8:30 p.m .: According to further evidence, the total number of coronavirus cases in Germany has risen to 14 . The pathogen was detected in the wife of an infected person from Bavaria, as the Bavarian Ministry of Health announced on Friday evening. The woman is being medically monitored and is isolated in the Munich Clinic Schwabing . The ministry did not provide further details. This means that there are twelve cases in Bavaria, all of which are related to the automotive supplier Webasto. There employees from a colleague from China got infected.

Corona virus in Germany: Corona viruses can survive on door handles for days

Update from February 7, 4:00 p.m .: German researchers provide new insights into the infection with the corona virus : Corona viruses can remain infectious on doorknobs or doorbells for days. At room temperature, the pathogens can remain on surfaces for up to nine days and remain infectious. On average, they survive between four and five days, the research team from Greifswald and Bochum wrote in the "Journal of Hospital Infection". "Cold and high humidity increase their lifespan even further," said Günter Kampf from the Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at the University Medical Center Greifswald on Friday.

Since there is no specific therapy against coronaviruses, the prevention of infections is important. Like all droplet infections, the virus spreads through the hands and surfaces that are touched frequently. "In the hospital this could be doorknobs, for example, but also bells, bedside tables, bed frames and other items in the immediate vicinity of patients," Kampf explained.

Update from February 7, 3:00 p.m .: The small town of Bad Sooden-Allendorf is concerned with the question of where the fear of the coronavirus stops and where racism begins. 500 students from China are studying at the local private university Diploma, with a total of only 8,300 inhabitants in the city. The university now received a letter with a complaint: A local dental practice is said to have refused treatment - the letter is still being examined. Four students recently returned from China - they are said to have withdrawn to their homes at their own request. Racist statements were also made elsewhere about people from Asia.

Corona virus in Germany: Further return campaign planned from Wuhan

Update of February 6, 7:50 p.m .: The German government wants to bring further German citizens and their relatives back to Germany from the city ​​of Wuhan because of the spread of the corona virus in China . Corresponding information from the “Spiegel” was confirmed by the Federal Foreign Office on Thursday of the German Press Agency. There are "individual people" in Wuhan who did not report until after the return flight last Saturday or did not make it to the airport in time, the ministry said. "We make every effort to enable these people to leave the country."

Coronavirus in Germany: New study delivers clear results

Update from February 6, 7.40 p.m .: A study on the fear of the corona virus in Germany delivers a clear result: Most Germans are not afraid of the new virus from China , which 13 people in Germany are infected with. Nine out of ten Germans (89 percent) fear that they or family members will contract the virus less or less. This resulted in a survey for the ARD Germany trend. Only every tenth is this concern big (7 percent) or very big (3 percent). A total of 1003 eligible voters in Germany were interviewed by telephone on Monday and Tuesday of this week for the survey.

Citizens' trust in the authorities and healthcare facilities in Germany is high with regard to the virus. Four out of five Germans (82 percent) believe that they have the overall situation under control. 14 percent see it differently: They think that they have no control over the situation.

Corona virus in Germany: woman from Bavaria infected

Update from February 6, 2:30 p.m .: In Germany there is another, the 13th coronavirus case . A woman from a patient from Bavaria was infected, the Bavarian Ministry of Health said on Thursday. It had previously been announced that the couple's two children were infected. According to doctors, like the mother, they are symptom-free. The father's health is stable.

Update from February 6, 12.44 p.m .: The Spanish health authorities reported a German corona patient on the Canary Island of La Gomera on February 1. The German has since been isolated in a hospital on the island. The Corona patient (26) comes from Bavaria * and had had contact with a Webasto employee, the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) said on Thursday.

Corona virus in Germany: doctors with worrying knowledge - "significantly more infectious"

Update from February 6, 11.30 a.m .: One question concerns doctors and researchers: How contagious is the new corona virus 2019-nCoV actually?

"The pathogen is significantly more infectious than originally assumed," says infection epidemiologist Lars Schaade, Vice President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). What is certain is that the coronavirus spreads through droplets of infection - when coughing and speaking.

Many details of an infection are still unclear, says virologist Christian Drosten from the Berlin Charité. Chinese doctors had found the pathogen in stool samples from patients. According to RKI, it has not yet been finally clarified whether the coronavirus spreads through the digestive system. According to information from China, the virus is likely to be transmitted from mother to newborn .

Update from February 5, 1:17 p.m .: The fear of the corona virus is also noticeable in Europe and the countries of the European Union are getting ready . However, quite different. Italy is now taking a drastic step, according to a report by the ORF : The Ministry of Health in Rome decided on Tuesday that all arriving passengers of international flights should be examined with thermal scanners . Doctors of the Red Cross or other organizations should conduct examinations at airports that do not have thermal scanners .

Corona virus in Germany: hostility to Chinese people is increasing

Update of February 5, 12:04 p.m .: Due to the spread of the virus , the number of hostilities against Chinese citizens in Germany is increasing from the perspective of the Chinese embassy in Berlin. "The latest hostilities and xenophobic statements in individual media have increased after the coronavirus outbreak and are worrying," the embassy said on request. After an attack on a Chinese woman in Berlin, the police were immediately contacted.

As reported by the Berlin police, on Friday afternoon in the Moabit district two women are said to have racially insulted, spat at, spat on a Chinese woman, pulled her hair to the ground, beaten and kicked her. The 23-year-old was therefore injured in the head and treated on an outpatient basis in a hospital, her glasses broke. The attackers fled.

The corona virus meanwhile has drastic consequences for many pets. Also, because the rumor persists that the corona virus would be transmitted by dogs and cats. And there is also vehement concern about whether the pathogen can be delivered in a package by post. Experts have a clear opinion on this.

Coronavirus in Germany: German virologists with worrying knowledge about transmission

Update from February 5, 11:31 am: The coronavirus is apparently already transferable with very slight symptoms *. This was reported by the Berlin Charité Institute of Virology and the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology after regular examinations of the patients cared for in the Munich Schwabing Clinic .

The laboratories of both institutes found in several cases that infectious viruses from the nasal and pharynx can be cultivated by people with minor symptoms in cell cultures. The symptoms of the examined patients were more like a harmless cold than a serious pneumonia.

Coronavirus: German researchers with new results on transmission

At the same time, the researchers found evidence that the new type of coronavirus multiplies in the nasal and pharynx as well as in the digestive tract regardless of the lungs. Chinese experts have also reported reports of possible spread through the digestive system.

"These observations are clear indications that the virus can be transmitted even if the symptoms of the cold are mild or beginning," wrote the virologists from Munich and Berlin. This includes a sore throat, signs of an acute sinus infection or a slight feeling of illness without a fever.

The Robert Koch Institute had previously referred to reports of individual cases in which people could become infected from those who did not yet show any symptoms.

Roman Wölfel from the Institute of Microbiology in the Bundeswehr emphasized that the investigations in Munich and Berlin were the first to gather scientific data regarding the transmission of viruses outside of China.

Corona virus in Germany: Incorrect transmission assumption corrected

In addition, it became known that there was probably a wrong assumption in connection with the infection with the corona virus in Bavaria. At first, it was said that the Chinese woman, through whom Webasto employees were infected, had no symptoms. Now the journal " Science" reports that this information came not from the woman but from the infected Germans.

The Chinese woman later made it clear to the newspaper that she had already had body aches in Germany and felt exhausted. This information is important because, because of the woman, it was initially assumed that the coronavirus was transmitted, even if the infected did not show any symptoms. Due to the clarification of the woman, this conclusion has not been confirmed for the time being. However, transmission without symptoms is also not excluded.

Corona virus in Germany: first carnival event canceled

Update from February 4, 12.40 p.m .: Nobody in Germany would like to be infected with the corona virus. A carnival event has now been canceled in Düsseldorf, reports

The traditional prince couple reception should therefore take place at an insurance agency in Düsseldorf next Friday. It is the Prince's agency from the previous year. The reason: In the office community, a Chinese native only returned from her homeland last Saturday.

“As a precaution, we will let the colleague work from home in the next 14 days. That's how long the incubation period is, ”ex-Prince Martin Meyer told . Many Chinese customers were also invited to the reception. The cancellation of the corona virus was made by all employees after a "democratic vote". The ex-prince himself did not want to cancel this carnival event.

Update from February 4, 7.46 a.m .: A total of twelve people in Germany have been shown to be infected with the corona virus. In Bavaria, the pathogen has been detected in eight employees of the car supplier Webasto (Stockdorf, in Bavaria), as in two children of one employee. Two patients are treated in the university clinic in Frankfurt, they are among the returnees from Wuhan.

Update, February 3, 8:35 p.m .: Federal Minister of Health Jens Span (CDU) exchanged views with the health ministers of the United States , France , Great Britain , Italy , Japan and Canada on Monday (3.2.) To discuss a uniform strategy against the spread of the coronavirus to speak. As Spahn explained, "an adequate response to the virus can only be coordinated internationally and European". The exchange of the G7 countries is important and helpful for mutual understanding ". On Tuesday (February 4th) Spahn wants to meet with the ministers from Great Britain and France to discuss how to proceed at European level .

Corona virus in Germany: paramedics sound the alarm - "Not prepared for a disaster"

Berlin - Philipp Stehling has reported himself to to share his concerns: The paramedic from Hesse does not see Germany's emergency services as adequately prepared for a pandemic. If the virus spreads strongly in Germany as well, people would have to accept significant cuts.

If conditions such as those in China, where experts recently had to correct a positive prognosis for the spread of the virus, have to be adjusted in Germany to a different care by the emergency services: "Then the individual care is no longer the same as if you now 112 call. If we have seven, eight or ten cases in Germany that have the symptoms, we can deal with them. If it gets more, it is a problem, ”he said in a video interview with (behind the pay barrier). The reason for this is that the paramedics are only focused on a certain number of cases per day. Virologist Christian Drosten recently said that hospitals should equip themselves with additional isolation stations *.

Corona virus in Germany: paramedic's concern applies to a special fact

The paramedic is particularly concerned about the 14-day incubation period of the coronavirus * - this means that those who have been infected can be completely without symptoms for two weeks before the disease breaks out. In addition, there is no way of knowing exactly what the virus is like and how to combat it effectively.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) made a similar statement on Monday in the ARD morning magazine . "As long as you don't finally know anything about such a virus, the greatest possible caution is always required," he said, referring to pictures of the hospital staff who had picked up and continued to take care of the Chinese returners from the airport in safety suits. Otherwise, he advises against scaremongering. Germany is ready, the CDU politician announced.

Bernd Salzberger, President of the German Society for Infectious Diseases, sees the strict security measures in China and worldwide as one advantage above all: it is about saving time before the coronavirus spreads further. "The slower it goes, the more we know about countermeasures such as antiviral drugs - which are also used in China - and maybe also develop a vaccine, " he says. While a rapid test for the diagnosis of coronavirus has already been developed by research in Germany *, further distribution channels are being sought worldwide.

Corona virus in Germany: Fear also arises from measures taken by the Chinese government

Paradoxically, it is perhaps precisely these strict measures against the spread of the virus that spread fear worldwide: The Göttingen fear researcher Professor Borwin Bandelow tells dpa that the images from the sealed-off city of Wuhan would affect the psyche of people - because the assumption is automatically that something like this does not happen without reason. But: " Fear is not a good thing in statistics," he says - and also points out that fear is not always justified.

WHO warns of massive false reports about the corona virus #Facebook #Google

- heise online (@heiseonline) February 3, 2020

Sonia Lippke, health psychologist at Jacobs University Bremen, also classifies the measures in China from other points of view: There seems to be fear among Chinese authorities that they may be considered incompetent in their own population - and their government abroad.

This leads to measures that "would not be common in Germany," said the health psychologist. In addition to the scientific uncertainty about the nature of the virus, there is an emotional component that should not be underestimated.

Read also: The cruise ship "Aida Perla" was not allowed to call a port on Saturday for security reasons. Many passengers on board had flu-like symptoms.

An Instagram video with a possible corona virus background irritates many viewers.

The Webasto company has decided to remain closed until February 11th. Local gastronomy in Stockdorf feels the lack of about a thousand employees enormously.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Frank Rumpenhorst