The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Iss, from bleach to alcohol how to defend yourself

2/10/2020, 5:10:29 PM

"The use of alcohol-based cleaners are sufficient to kill the virus" and it is always to be remembered "the importance of proper hygiene of surfaces and hands", a real "key to preventing infection". (HANDLE)

"The use of alcohol-based cleaners are sufficient to kill the virus" and it is always to be remembered "the importance of proper hygiene of surfaces and hands", a real "key to preventing infection".
Meeting the doubts of the population, also linked to the German study that would have identified a possibility of resistance for 9 days on objects, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), has published an update on the portal to answer three frequent questions on "Coronavirus and surfaces ", while remembering that the main route of transmission are the airways, and not contact with contaminated objects.
- Is alcohol effective for disinfecting surfaces? Yes, disinfectants containing 75% alcohol (ethanol) are effective for destroying the virus on surfaces.
- Is bleach effective for disinfecting surfaces and floors? 1% chlorine-based disinfectants are capable of disinfecting surfaces by destroying the virus.
- Is hand washing really needed to prevent coronavirus infection? Hand washing and disinfection are the key to preventing infection. You should wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can also be used. The virus enters the body through the eyes, nose and mouth, so avoid touching them with unwashed hands.