The Limited Times

Coronavirus: the mark of 1000 deaths exceeded in China on Tuesday

2/10/2020, 11:28:29 PM

As of Monday alone, an additional 103 people were deplored as a result of the epidemic, according to the Beijing government.

It is a symbolic barrier that has been crossed. The death toll in China from the new coronavirus rose to 1,011 on Tuesday after 103 new deaths were announced in one day in Hubei province, authorities said.

The National Health Commission of Hubei has also identified 2,097 new cases of infection in this province of central China, whose capital is Wuhan, home of the epidemic.

The new coronavirus has therefore killed a total of 1,011 people in mainland China, where the number of infected persons exceeds 40,000, according to the assessment established Monday by the authorities, confirming a certain stability in the progression of the epidemic.

Xi Jinping wears a mask

The 2019-nCoV virus, which appeared in a market in Wuhan in December, also killed two other people around the world, one in the Philippines and one in Hong Kong. The overall toll now greatly exceeds that of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed 774 people worldwide in 2002-2003.

On Monday, President Xi Jinping appeared for the first time with his face covered with a protective mask. The Chinese number one traveled to a residential area of ​​Beijing to witness efforts to fight contagion. The epidemic in Hubei and Wuhan remains very serious, "he acknowledged, calling for action" to take stronger and decisive action to resolutely stop the momentum of contagion ".

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