The Limited Times

Even when Maccabi TA donates points, there is no one to enjoy

2/10/2020, 10:34:24 PM

Uri Ear

Claiming the Carmel crown came to Teddy with a lot of hope after the big victory in the previous cycle, and mainly because of Ness Zamir's brilliant goal on Saturday in the 93rd minute at Sammy Ofer, a goal that could bring the Greens at the end of the cycle to just one game lead from the lead and the Tel Aviv champion.

In the rest of Jerusalem, Roni Levy came into the game after two consecutive losses to Bnei Yehuda and Hapoel KP, which, along with the departure of its highest quality player, Gadi Kinda, created unpleasant feelings of a crisis evening. These feelings caused Yossi Benayun to bring two significant players just before closing. The transfer window to renew the team and inject energy into it.

Hanan Maman returned for a second term in the capital and immediately entered the corner of wounded Ohana and Kinda. Eliran Atar arrived to regain his smile after some difficult days this season under Vladimir Ivich (only 249 minutes this season) and of course got in the lineup, which happened for the last time in the league in late September.

Marco Confusion continued with the 11 starring Hapoel Tel Aviv in Sammy Ofer, which means that Jordan Shua and Dolev Hizza opened the game on the bench, and Charon Cherry moved from center link to right wing.

The first half developed in an interesting and surprising way. 35 minutes on one side, the host side, and especially a great performance by Antoine Conte, Ali Muhammad and Atar, who just swept the field, controlled the pace and repeatedly reached Josh Cohen's plaza, until they finally got the benefit of a successful Atar pendulum after Muhammad failed Bronze lead.

Haifa, for the second time in two weeks, was alarmed by the fact that Maccabi lost points and just didn't show up for 35 minutes. Cheap loses by San Menahem and Trent Sainsbury, the uncharacteristic passivity of Neta Lavie and the disappearance of Janic Wildshot and Sherry. The duty gate released the mental cork of the greens that began to attack, threatened the gate, received a splendidly shoved Pendel by Itamar Nitzan and pushed Betar back.

Confusion reacted slightly after the opening half, putting the firecrack in place of Falcushchenko and moving from 4: 3: 3 to 4: 2: 4, but his requested response came in great late, as it was only in the 81st minute that he put in a lull - Twenty minutes after Cintyahu Salich's income, which unsurprisingly did nothing. It was too little and too late, and Haifa again managed to kick the bucket that filled her urban rival just 48 hours earlier.

Betar and Ronnie Levy have won big in Teddy, showing great ability, a wonderful combination of two procurement players, Maman and especially Atar, and a great performance by Conte in the brake position (when Fox, he is a level over the game), but the big winner is the champion , Who is beginning to realize that even when she contributes points to the league every now and then, there is probably no one to enjoy it.

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