The Limited Times

Foot: death of Jean Fournet-Fayard, former president of the FFF

2/10/2020, 9:25:35 PM

President of the French Football Federation from 1985 to 1993, Jean Fournet-Fayard died Sunday at the age of 88, the FFF announced in a press release.

Jean Fournet-Fayard was a great leader, an honorary member of UEFA. As president of the FFF, he worked with passion for football, French training, with in particular the inauguration of the Clairefontaine center, in 1988. He was a high quality man, with multiple talents, who knew several lives leader, coach and player ", reacted the current president of the FFF, Noël Le Graët, quoted in the press release.

" This news saddens me and I wanted to express my sympathy to his family, his relatives but also to those who served French football by his side ", for his part reacted in a text sent to the press the coach of the 'French team, Didier Deschamps, who recalled that Jean Fournet-Fayard was president of the FFF when he made his debut in the tricolor jersey.

Michel Platini, who was captain and coach of the France team and presided over UEFA from 2007 to 2015, said in a press release sent to AFP “ keep (r) the memory of a man, a great servant of football French, leader at heart with inexhaustible energy and unwavering commitment ”. We worked together with passion to build a destiny for French football. He was my president of the French Football Federation as a player, coach and president of the French Organizing Committee for the 1998 World Cup, "said the former N.10 of the French team.

Elected at the end of December 1984 to the presidency of the federation, Jean Fournet-Fayard, pharmacist by profession, had been re-elected in 1988 then in 1992. But he had chosen to resign at the end of 1993, after the fiasco that the non-qualification of the French team for the 1994 World Cup.

It was also under his presidency that France obtained the organization of the Mondial-1998, the first planetary coronation of the Blues.