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Hurricane Sabine: DWD issues new warning for Bavaria - diver saves woman

2/10/2020, 7:07:36 PM

Storm depression Sabine sweeps across Germany: While the situation in the north has already eased again, the storm hit the south with full force on Monday morning.

Storm depression Sabine sweeps across Germany: While the situation in the north has already eased again, the storm hit the south with full force on Monday morning.

  • Storm low Sabine swept across Bavaria with full force on Monday.
  • The train traffic of Deutsche Bahn * was temporarily almost stopped.
  • Schools in Bavaria remained closed at the beginning of the week *.
  • The Katwarn disaster app also triggered.

Update 5:58 pm: According to the Bayernwerk , which is active throughout the Free State, 6,000 households in Bavaria still have to make do without electricity . Lower Bavaria, the Upper Palatinate and individual parts of Upper Franconia are affected. According to the company, "almost all households should be supplied with electricity until the evening hours", but "due to the forecast of further strong gusts of wind from midnight", Bayernwerk remains on standby and is prepared for new power cuts .

Update 5.44 pm: In the middle of the storm "Sabine", a rescue diver from the fire brigade in Würzburg brought a woman from the Main and thus saved her from drowning . The woman was weakened and threatened to sink in the floods, as the city of Würzburg announced. There was a strong current , and gusts of wind also arose during the rescue operation. Firefighters and divers still managed to get the woman into a boat. From there it was brought ashore, said the chief fire director, Harald Rehmann. How the woman got into the water was initially unclear.

Update 4.15 p.m .: The situation in Bavaria after storm Sabine is gradually normalizing. The number of households affected by power outages has now dropped to around 45,000. The focus of the disruptions is currently in the area of ​​southern Upper Palatinate, Lower Bavaria and northern Upper Bavaria, Bayernwerk reports.

Next storm front in a few days

Update 3:27 p.m .: The weather situation in Germany has calmed down meanwhile, but the danger of storms has not yet been averted. According to new forecasts by the meteorologists, the next storm front is just a few days away.

Update 2:04 pm : S-Bahn traffic in Munich was partially restarted at noon. As the Deutsche Bahn (DB) reported, the trains of the S1 to Munich Airport were on the way again. The S2 also drove between Munich and Erding, the S4 started on the route between Grafing and Pasing. The S7 was able to drive on the section from Höllriegelskreuth to Hohenbrunn. On the routes, however, "delays and short-term partial cancellations must still be expected," said the railway.

Rail resumes regional traffic in sections

Update 1:01 p.m .: In Northern Bavaria, Deutsche Bahn resumed regional traffic on some routes on Monday noon. The train could start "isolated", the company said in Munich. But there are still major delays and cancellations. In southern Bavaria, regional traffic was initially completely stopped.

Update 12.23 p.m .: At the airport in Munich, a pilot had to master a nerve-wracking landing due to storm Sabine, as * reports.

Record-breaking wind speeds due to storm depression Sabine

Update 11.37 a.m .: In low altitudes, the hurricane depth Sabine has reached record-breaking wind speeds . According to the German Weather Service (DWD), 154 kilometers per hour were measured at Fürstenzell in the Lower Bavarian district of Passau. "This is an absolute top in such low altitudes," said the meteorologist on duty, Martin Schwienbacher, on Monday. The hurricane swept over the Großer Arber, the highest mountain in the Bavarian Forest at 1455 meters, at up to 161 kilometers per hour . The measuring station there recorded 158 kilometers per hour on Germany's highest mountain, the 2962 meter high Zugspitze .

Update 11.32 a.m .: While Deutsche Bahn train services are gradually starting up again in large parts of Germany, train journeys are still not possible in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Train drivers and plane passengers do not have to let their tickets expire. Deutsche Bahn and some airlines are very accommodating with regard to rebooking, cancellations and refunds *.

Munich Airport has put a stop on check-in . No planes have been loaded or unloaded on the ground since around 7.45 a.m., a spokesman said. Accordingly, no aircraft was able to fly at first. "We still have isolated landings," said the spokesman. In these cases, the passengers would be taken off the aircraft with special fire department heads. A total of 450 out of 1050 flights were canceled, the spokesman said. As soon as the storm subsided and handling was again possible without risk, it should be resumed.

Much wind about storm depression Sabine is currently making meteorologist and TV presenter Jörg Kachelmann, who annoys prejudices and climate conspirators.

Due to storm depression: cemeteries in Munich and Augsburg closed

Update 11.17 a.m .: The urban cemeteries in Munich and Augsburg remain closed due to the effects of storm depression Sabine. The city administrations announced on Monday. The authorities want to prevent visitors from being injured by falling branches or falling trees. In Munich alone, more than 30 funerals and funerals were on the calendar for Monday. It is currently assumed that the cemeteries could reopen on Tuesday, according to the Munich environmental department. The cemeteries in Nuremberg had previously been closed.

Storm low Sabine reaches its peak in Bavaria - DWD with new warning

Update 11:01 am: For parts of Bavaria, the DWD not only warns of hurricane gusts but also of severe thunderstorms in some areas. Affected are the extreme south near Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Oberstorf, the regions around Nördlingen and also around Hof. The German Weather Service expressly points out the following dangers. “Among other things, serious damage to buildings is possible. Trees can be uprooted and roof tiles, branches or objects fall down. Close all windows and doors! Secure items outdoors! Stay away from buildings, trees, scaffolding and high-voltage lines. If possible, avoid staying outside!".

The warnings still apply in many places until 6 p.m.

Update 10:27: While the situation in the north is already easing again, the storm hits the south with full force on Monday. For Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, official severe weather warnings apply practically nationwide. According to the expectations of the German Weather Service (DWD), the storm low reached its peak in the midday hours . At Munich Airport, the gale gusts of storm Sabine drove the beads of sweat onto a pilot's forehead. After a thrill landing * he wanted to have a "strong drink".

Video: Storm depression Sabine removes roof parts from the New Town Hall in Weiden (Upper Palatinate)

Storm depression Sabine causes blackouts in Bavaria

Update 9.38 a.m .: The storm low has also caused numerous power cuts in Bavaria . The focus of the power outages has currently shifted to the areas of Upper Palatinate, Upper and Lower Bavaria. The number of households affected has increased to 60,000. However, we are making good progress with the restoration in Lower Franconia and parts of Upper Franconia. The first power cuts occurred in Lower Franconia around 3 a.m. Lower Franconia is currently largely supplied again. Around five o'clock the power outages spread to Upper Franconia. The cause of the failures is usually trees or branches that touch or damage power lines.

Update 9.32 a.m .: Hundreds of flights are canceled at Munich Airport due to storm depression Sabine. The hurricane foothold also ensures far-reaching measures for the S-Bahn. The S-Bahn traffic was "stopped due to bad weather", it says on the homepage of the MVV. A shuttle service on the main route has been set up.

Update from February 10, 2020, 9:02 a.m .: The worst is yet to come in southern Bavaria. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the peak of the storm "Sabine" is expected until midday. Then hurricane-like gusts and partly hurricane gusts can be expected in the southern part of the Free State, a spokesman said on Monday morning. The wind should blow even stronger on the low mountain and alpine peaks with extreme hurricane gusts of up to 150 kilometers per hour and up to 180 kilometers per hour on the Zugspitze.

Showers with heavy gusts of wind were expected in the afternoon, individual hurricane gusts were not excluded. "In the evening we expect a temporary weakening," said the meteorologist. In the night of Tuesday storms and individual heavy gusts of wind are expected again.

Storm depression Sabine rages over Bavaria: train and air traffic almost stopped

Update of February 10, 2020, 4:06 am: Bavaria is facing the harshest storm of winter so far with the low "Sabine". Already on Sunday there were considerable failures at the airports and on the rail routes. The Deutsche Bahn stopped all long-distance traffic . The regional railway in the border region of Bavaria and Saxony also only allowed the trains to go to the end stations and then stopped operating.

The first operations were reported during the night from Lower Franconia, Middle Franconia and the northern part of Swabia. Roads were impassable due to fallen trees. At Aschaffenburg, the federal road 469 had to be blocked for a short time because the wind was blowing vegetable fields onto the road. In the other regions it was still quiet around 3 am, but the rescue workers were preparing for “Sabine”.

No classes at Bavaria's schools

In most of Bavaria's schools, there are no regular classes on Monday. All seven government districts reported across the board that classes had been canceled. Most schools will provide emergency care for students who cannot be cared for by their parents, a spokesman for the ministry of culture said.

At Munich Airport, 131 flights fell victim to the approaching storm on Sunday - above all connections to the north, where “Sabine” was raging earlier than in Bavaria. For Monday, 424 of the planned 1000 take-offs and landings were canceled on Sunday.

Katwarn triggers! Hurricane Sabine arrives - Bavarian railways react consistently

Update of February 9, 9.45 p.m .: Several newspapers in Germany have decided to make their Monday editions available to their subscribers as e-papers because of the storm hazards . "The health of our deliverers comes first," wrote the Augsburger Allgemeine in a tweet.

We activate the e-paper because of #sturmsabine. The health of our deliverers comes first! When we tried to tell readers that there could be problems with print, the website collapsed. #Storm #Sabine #Unwetter

- Yannick Dillinger (@ydillinger) February 9, 2020

Due to the uncertain weather conditions, it cannot be guaranteed that delivery on Monday will work without any problems. Newspapers across Germany handle the situation similarly. The Offenbach Post and the Neue Westfälische also announced that there would be no delivery on Monday. Subscribers can also access the e-paper.

Storm depression Sabine: BOB and Meridian react

Update from February 9, 9:06 p.m .: After Deutsche Bahn has largely stopped long-distance transport in Germany due to the storm Sabine *, Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH (BOB) and Bayerische Regiobahn GmbH (BRB) and Meridian are now also responding to the approaching one Storm.

Storm depression Sabine approaches Bavaria: BOB, BRB and Meridian take consequences

Since the storm's peak in the network of the three rail networks is expected to be in the early morning to the morning of Monday (February 10, 2020), the plans are as follows:

On all Meridian, BOB and BRB routes, operations will only start at 8:00 a.m. After that, all trains run every hour. All school and amplifier trains for commuter traffic in the morning and evening are no longer available. Exact processes in the company as well as the further course are adjusted again in the morning hours depending on the weather conditions. For this purpose, so-called exploratory journeys will also take place in all networks before the start of passenger operation, ie a train always runs empty and the route is visible on sight.

#Unweather in Bavaria: Short-term # impairments possible today / forecast for Monday, 10.02.20: No train traffic until 8 a.m. / all-day impairments #bahn #sabine #sturmsabine

- DB Regio Bayern (@ routesagentAS) February 9, 2020

Storm depression Sabine: severe restrictions on the tracks of Bavaria

Commuters who want to use one of the three railways are asked to get precise information about the current operating status beforehand. In any case, delays or cancellations must be expected. in extreme weather conditions, rail traffic can be completely shut down.

You can find all the latest information on restrictions and replacement traffic on the website, in the "Meridian BOB BRB - Info & Tickets" app, as well as at and in the DB Navigator.

Katwarn triggers! Hurricane low comes to Bavaria and brings back memories of a storm of the century

Update from February 9, 6:15 p.m .: The storm Sabine has significant effects - before it even hits Bavaria . In at least 20 districts and independent cities in Eastern Bavaria, Upper Franconia and in the southwest, school administrations completely canceled classes at all state schools for Monday. Emergency care should however be set up. At Nuremberg Airport , individual flights were canceled on Sunday.

Due to the current #weather situation, several airlines have canceled flights to and from # Nürnberg. #sturmsabine #Unwetterwarnung #Sturmtief These flights are affected

- Airport Nuremberg (@airportnue) February 9, 2020

“If the wind gets too strong, operations on the airfield have to be stopped for safety reasons. This could result in a check-in stop, ”said an airport spokesman in Munich. 131 take-offs and landings had already been canceled there on Sunday.

Storm depression Sabine is getting closer: numerous schools are canceled

Update from February 9, 4:58 p.m .: Storm depression Sabine is getting closer and is also causing numerous school absences . You can find an overview here.

Storm sabine approaching: Warnapp Katwarn triggers

Update from February 9, 3:06 pm: Storm depression Sabine is getting closer. Now the warning app has triggered Katwarn . Extreme weather threatens in Bavaria , there is an official warning of hurricane gusts. This applies from Monday morning from 4 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hurricane gusts occur at speeds between 100 km / h and 120 km / h. Hurricane gusts of around 130 km / h must be expected in exposed locations. The gusts can uproot trees and cause objects to fall, and damage to buildings is also possible. Windows and doors should be closed and objects secured outdoors.

Storm sabine arrives - rescue workers prepare

Update, February 9, 1:50 p.m .: As a spokesman for the Integrated Control Center in Upper Franconia explains, the rescue workers only prepare for problems caused by storm Sabine at night and on Monday morning. The hurricane gusts in the Free State are expected there first.

The German Weather Service warns of extreme hurricane gusts for the heights of the Bavarian Forest above 1000 meters from 10 p.m. and for the Alps in locations over 2000 meters from 6 p.m.

Hurricane Sabine in Bavaria: First gusts of wind are expected from noon

Update, February 9, 10:55 am: As a spokesman for the German Weather Service ( DWD ) reports, the hurricane depth will reach Sabine Bavaria in the evening. In northern Bavaria , however, gusts of wind with wind speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour can occur as early as noon. As the day progresses, the wind will likely grow stronger. According to the DWD, it could reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour in the first half of the night on Monday (February 10).

The DWD spokesman therefore issues a drastic warning . He advises against staying in Bavaria outdoors or even in the forest on Monday. It will be stormy and rainy in Bavaria at least until Tuesday (February 11th). Only from Wednesday (February 12th) can the weather situation calm down.

The first impairments also occurred at Munich Airport *. Because of the storm Sabine, 80 flights have so far been canceled - and there could be many more.

Weather in Bavaria: Deutsche Bahn warns of storm Sabine - workers on alert

Update, February 9, 8:16 a.m .: Sturm Sabine is on the way - and could also hit Bavaria with gusts of up to 100 kilometers per hour. Travel warnings still exist - Deutsche Bahn recommends postponing trips if possible. Deutsche Bahn is already on alert - chainsaw teams and teams of workers are getting ready to remove branches and trees that have fallen on the rails. The concern is that the storm Sabine could become as violent as hurricane Kyrill * 2007. For security reasons, a Bundesliga match on Sunday afternoon has already been canceled due to Sturm Sabine. The danger from the threatened hurricane is too great.

Hurricane comes to Bavaria - and brings back memories of a storm of the century: "Doesn't look good"

Update from 17:14: Hurricane Sabine approaches the Free State and ensures stormy weather throughout Bavaria on Monday night. In Franconia and in the mountains, the wind is likely to increase on Sunday evening. This was announced by the German Weather Service (DWD). People should also prepare for thunderstorms .

For large parts of the Free State, the weather experts expect wind speeds of around 100 kilometers per hour. Hurricane-like gusts of up to 120 km / h are expected on Monday.

The Deutsche Bahn warns of impairments in rail traffic from Sunday evening. A spokesman recommended that planned trips should be postponed for the period from Sunday to Tuesday if possible. All long-distance transport tickets booked for this period could already be used from Saturday and are valid until Tuesday. Tickets could also be canceled free of charge.

Strong winds often create great dangers. But what is wind, how strong can it get and in what form can it occur? We have the answers.

Sunny start to the weekend - Storm is approaching Bavaria

Update, February 8, 8.55 a.m .: The weekend in the Free State starts off sunny. As the German Weather Service ( DWD ) reports, temperatures in the southern Alpine foothills can reach up to eight degrees . The sun shines in the morning on Saturday (8.2.) And Sunday (9.2.) - clouds only appear in the afternoon.

Over the course of Sunday, however, the clouds will become a storm . All over Germany, Sabine is now being warned of storm depression - and Bavaria could also be hit hard by the hurricane gusts. According to the DWD's forecast, the storm will hit northern Bavaria on Sunday evening, and gusts will also hit southern Bavaria from the second half of the night.

Bavaria Weather: Danger from storm Sabine - Deutsche Bahn with warning

Commuters should be prepared for any impairments in the morning hours on Monday (February 10th). Trees and branches uprooted by the storm could block roads and rails . The hurricane gusts could also cause damage to houses.

The Deutsche Bahn already warns of impairments in regional and long-distance traffic from Sunday evening. "We recommend our travelers to postpone their planned trip to another day from Sunday, February 9th, 2020 to Tuesday, February 11th, 2020," says the DB website.

#Unweather: It is expected that #Bahn traffic in Germany will be affected from Sunday evening. Please inform yourself regularly at or in the DB Navigator about your connection and at about the current situation.

- Deutsche Bahn traffic reports (@DB_Info) February 7, 2020

Warning of storm in Bavaria: After storm low Petra threatens the next danger

First report from February 7th

In early February, storm depression Petra moved through Bavaria and caused chaos in many places. The levels of the rivers rose and trees fell - one even fell on a moving car. The fire departments went out on numerous missions. The storm also caused chaos in rail traffic , trains failed or were delayed.

Weather in Bavaria: Free State is facing a sunny weekend

Shortly afterwards, the German Weather Service (DWD) warned again - for some districts there were even five warnings at the same time. For example, there was a risk of snowfall, gusts of wind and snow drifts.

The Free State is now starting sunny in the weekend. The maximum values ​​are between zero degrees in the Bavarian Vogtland and eight degrees in the southern Alpine foothills. The sun also shines on Saturday and Sunday, clouds only appear in the afternoon.

Bavaria Weather: Meteorologist warns of "dangerous weather conditions"

Over the course of Sunday, however, a storm looms. This hits the Free State on Monday night. First there are hurricane-like gusts in northern Bavaria, from the second half of the night hurricane Sabine also hits southern Bavaria.

Graduated meteorologist Dominik Jung warns the weather portal: “We are really facing dangerous weather conditions. We haven't had such a flat storm in Germany for a long time. Among other things, memories of the hurricane Kyrill from 2007 are awakened ”. It is not yet possible to say whether it will really be as bad as it was 13 years ago, "but it does not look good," it continues.

Snow or no snow? Snow forecasts and snow forecasts are often disappointing for some winter fans. Why is that actually?

Storm low meets Bavaria this weekend: Chaos Monday threatens

The storm low threatens to cause chaos on Monday, because rush hour traffic could be disrupted. Uprooted trees or broken branches on roads and rails can be expected. Accordingly, major damage to houses can also occur. “You should plan a lot of time on your way to work on Monday morning,” the expert recommends.

You can always read all the news about Bavaria from us.

The weather in Germany can be described as the average of many values: temperatures, precipitation, wind strength, hours of sunshine and more. In Europe, the storm depth claimed several lives, thousands were temporarily without electricity - reports *.

with dpa

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Daniel Bockwoldt