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Municipal in Paris: list repositories are open

2/10/2020, 6:40:36 PM

Since Monday, candidates for municipal elections in the capital's boroughs can file their list with the Paris prefecture.

Let's go for the “official” municipal administrative formalities. This Monday morning, at 9 a.m., the electoral department of the prefecture of Paris opened a dedicated office to record the declarations of candidates and the lists of contenders for the post of mayor of arrondissement in the capital. First-round candidates have until Thursday, February 27, at 6 p.m., to get there and register.

119 list leaders in 17 boroughs

By then, the headquarters of the prefecture, where signs indicating "reception of applications" have been installed in the large hall, should receive the visit of at least 119 heads of list or their representative. A profusion of candidates linked to the somewhat particular municipal voting system that Paris shares with Lyon and Marseille.

On March 15 and 22, Parisians will indeed be called to the polls not for the election of a mayor but for 17 different ballots. One per arrondissement, the first four having been merged into a new electoral area called Paris-Center.

In each district, voters will vote for their district councilors (503 in all across the capital). The first elected members of each list, also advisers from Paris, will sit at the central town hall and will elect the mayor of Paris ... during the "3rd round", a week after the public vote.

No question for the 7 candidates (*) who have already designated their 17 heads of district list to file in the prefecture a single list of 503 names. The electoral code provides for a separate declaration of candidacy in each district ... With an administrative form for the list (mentioning his name and political label) and a form for each member of the list, without counting the mass of supporting documents (of identity, registration on the electoral lists or, failing that, fiscal address) that all the running members must produce.

To avoid a traffic jam in the election service before the closing of the declarations, in a little more than two weeks, the prefecture of Paris recommended to the candidates to make an appointment. But this Monday, for the first day of registrations, the dedicated office remained almost deserted.

Anne Hidalgo indicated that she will go this Tuesday morning to the prefecture of Paris with all of her list leaders to officially file the 17 lists of Paris in common. "We would like to do a group shot," explains Danièle Simonnet. “But we are a citizen movement. Applicants have a job. It's going to be complicated to tune all the calendars. "

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* David Belliard (EELV), Rachida Dati (LR), Gaspard Gantzer (Parisiennes, Parisiens), Benjamin Griveaux (LREM), Anne Hidalgo (Paris in common), Danièle Simonnet (Décidons Paris) and Cédric Villani (dissident LREM).